US Election 2024

@ Grammar Thread

Dammit, we need to talk about Canadian infrastructure!

Argh, itā€™s full of damn naziā€™s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This was actually a pretty good comeback by Bidenā€¦.

How bad is your memory? And can you continue as president? (Reporter)

ā€œMy memory is so bad I let you speakā€ - Biden

@Arminius , had to laugh at thisā€¦sounds a bit overqualifiedā€¦

It is a bit perverse how those still read as negatives post-Trump.


Biden is in deep shit. That means the Democrats and the US and all the rest of us too.

The coverage of this is off the scale , even here in France itā€™s one of the main stories leading the news.

I just caught some of the WH daily press conference and the lengths to which they are going to somehow try and minimise the fallout points to just how seriously they take it. As is usually the case with these type of clean-ups , itā€™s probably doing more harm than good.

What I am finding hard to understand is why DOJ even published the report in the first place. If we cast our minds back to Muellerā€™s report weā€™d remember that Bill Barr refused to publish it for weeks after (and even then it was still redacted) heā€™d put his own spin on it first ; ā€˜No collusion , no obstruction.ā€™
Why the fuck did DOJ not just do something similar and just present a summary ? Did they even read it first ?


I think itā€™s something to do with the independence of the DOJ under Biden, as opposed to what it was like previously?

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Even so , it was so clearly a political hit job and the comments so out of wack with the remit that they should never have allowed it.


Trump is a blend of neo fascist, opportunistic narcissist, and lard.

Someone like Mike Johnson might emerge as a more dangerous true believer, but so long as Trump can line his pockets - thatā€™s the extent of his vision - he will be a useful idiot for a far more dangerous breed to come after.

Biden obviously is flawed as an old doddery fella, but he has managed to pass some significant legislation, create jobs and do quite well for the economy. Much better than Trump on all those things, to say nothing of Trumpā€™s significant shortcomings, which should disqualify him.

Itā€™s imperative that Trump does not get the Presidency back. His first term was childā€™s play, while he learned the ropes.

If he gets back in it will be much worse.


It was absolutely a hit job. The report had to find he made mistakes but nothing criminal so instead it made comments on his mental functions and even the death of his son.

As I mentioned earlier, it has to be remembered that the report author is a registered Republican who was previously appointed by Trump before resigning after Bidenā€™s inaugeration.

Garland literally appointed him for this report because of the fact there is no way he cpuld be accused of being anything other than a Trump hardliner.

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It may be a hit job, but the confusion about countries and speaking to decreased politicians is bad.
Itā€™s very difficult to imagine Biden being up to the task for another four years.

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Biden has been well known for these sorts of verbal flubs for as long as he has been in Washington. The press has made his tendency to do this shit a central theme in their coverage of him for over 30 years. For Republicans to position it as a reason for concern about his age is, to be fair to them, politics as usual. For the press to pretend this is any different than he has always done is a massive dereliction of their responsibilityā€¦but unfortunately given our low expectations of the DC focused press, also politics as usual.

This would be bad practice if there was a mentally competent person on the other side. But there isnt. He has just as many flubs as Biden does so is it a wash? Well, not if you look past the flubs and into whether either candidate has demonstrated any sort understanding of WTF they are talking about. Trump has never been able to speak intelligently about anything related to the job responsibilities, but appears more incoherent now than he ever did before. Any person leaving a conversation with Biden leaves acknowledging that he demonstrates a good grasp of the issues, often very complex issues, being discussed.

Bidenā€™s age IS a real problem. He really shouldnt be running for president again at this age. The campaign HAD to know this was going to be their biggest weakness when deciding to run and surely have to have had a strategy for addressing that concern. No one involved in the team can reasonably complain about it being an issue in the campaign or an issue a voter will have. What they are justified in complaining about is treating every single aspect of his performance as justification for raising these concerns and doing so in the absence of similar treatment of the completely riddled imbecile he is running against.


The first time I read the report (age and forgetful), I immediately wondered why it would have any business being there. After playing devils advocate, it seems like it could be there to explain why there are no charges even though he wilfully retained documents. It would be interesting to find similar doj reports (not political ones) to see if these types of comments are common place when determining to press charges or not, meaning "we are not going to press charges because ā€¦ (insert reasoning, etc).

Its been a major pet peeve of mine that Bidenā€™s age and mental lapses have been largely ignored and brushed under the carpet, and imo the result of this is the catastrophe we are seeing unfold. I think if it had been taken seriously much earlier, then he would have been ā€œforcefullyā€ encouraged to not seek re-election.

Depends what you mean by these types of comments. The report is supposed to primarily report its findings and if it is declining to prosecute it is supposed to state why. This is part of the value of the special counsel role because normally a declination decision from the DoJ has no explanation (this is why Comey was so criticized for his handling of the clinton declination, because he didnt just announce his decision, he did so while condemning her conduct). But as SCs are used in politically sensitive matters it is deemed in the public interest to explain the decision why. What is considered out of bounds here is that after having already declined on the merits of the case he then went on to offer comments about Bidenā€™s presumed legal strategy in a defense (he was not going to be required to mount) that were incredibly prejudicial. They were needed and so it has to be questioned why they were included.

What the press is misrepresenting is a double whammy. Hurr didnt say he thought Biden was old and doddering. He claimed that this would be the likely defense should he be charged, and thought a jury would be very unlikely to return a conviction against someone so sympathetic. This is not what a declination statement is supposed to do, especially when it has already identified that it was not a chargeable offenseā€¦you dont need to justify your challenges obtaining a conviction against something you ahve already deemed is not chargeable. That is what marks this as such a blatant political hit piece. By the press misreporting this as Hurrā€™s perception of Biden they are adding fuel to the fire, AND downplaying the inappropriateness of that section of Hurrā€™s report.

These meta conversations are fascinating. Concerns about his age have been the primary context of the pressā€™ coverage of his reelection bid. If the press are not questioning whether he is too old they are complaining that people arent talking enough about whether he is told.

[quote=ā€œLimiescouse, post:217, topic:4044, full:trueā€]The comments about Bidenā€™s presumed legal strategy in a defense were not remotely needed and so it has to be questioned why they were included.

This was the part I was not sure of.

Yeah, heā€™s been saying weird shit from well before he was president, its the current stuff thatā€™s a concern especially when he mixes up people, thereby mentioning how he talked so someone recently who has actually been dead for a while.

He has literally always done this stuff. He has been known as a walking gaf in DC for 30 years. Most people who interact with him report they are more in the category of verbal gafs not mental confusion. More like unintentional malapropisms than a sense that he genuinely thinks he recently spoke to a long dead person.

But again, in recent weeks his presumed opponent has claimed that Nikki Haley was responsible for not calling out the DC national guard on Jan 6th, that he beat Obama in a previous election, and has repeatedly said Orban is the president of turkey. He also looks like heā€™s been dead for 6 months.

This is where the frustration comes from in the intense focus on Bidenā€™s competency. It is not the questions are not fair. It is that everything is taken as further reasons to focus on the questions about his competency (all while ignoring the competency of his administration) while not giving the same treatment to the other guy who cannot ever string 2 coherent sentences together.


Talk about taking talking points from MAGA. FFS, the fact that ā€˜the Donaldā€™sā€™ far more egregious mental incompetence is ignored is many times worse.

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Have you heard of the saying ā€œHitler was a vegetarianā€? Just because its a talking point from MAGA, doesnā€™t mean its not true, or not a concern.