US Election 2024

Maybe he’s watched Farming too many times.


Dont you dare bring purple light sabres into this.


Someone sent me this:

Momala has raised so much money that Clarence Thomas wants to vacation with her.

Go on, Momala. Shred these doods.


I don’t think that is a viable way of thinking about it. What does it mean for the policies to be working when we cannot do anything meaningful in the short or even near term to impact the volume of people coming to the border, and the policies have to be implemented in the context of legislation that is over 20 years out of date?

The Bloomberg article is interesting but in making those historical comparisons whistles past the fact that we made meaningful changes in the 80s and 90s on how we thought about immigration that massively changed the dynamic. We changed our definition of who was allowed to be here and under what conditions and significantly increased the policing of the border, which locked in a large number of people being here illegally and disincentivized them to come. We simply cannot compare numbers from any time in the last 20-30 years to Nixon-Carter era data.

This stuff is complicated, but I will just reiterate as it is a perspective you have aired on this a few times, that no one is dealing with it with anything close to an open border policy that just lets in anyone and allows them to stay here. What is the current admin doing to deal with the situation and how does that compare to the last one (and the one vying to replace them)? You are not going to find a simple answer, but this is a detailed but understandable piece on that question.

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Another easily attackable thing about Vance is that his book Hillbilly Elegy, which posed as a compassionate thought piece of growing up in Appalachia was actually a standard conservative criticism of “poor people need to try harder”. Not only that but Vance didn’t even grow up in Appalachia - his link to the region is that his grandmother lived there but moved away when she was a child. The guy is an absolute fraud.


Don’t fear, @Sweeting

The Momala and @Alright_Now_Legend ticket is about to become the Korma Elegy.


That makes sense, as what you do is as close to Korma as Vance is to being an actual Hillbilly





Is @LuisSuarez and @Ronnie_Pickering same person?

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Film ruined. I wanted to watch that again

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There was a guy talking about this quite a while ago (maybe 10+ years ago), and one of the things he highlighted was that USA accepts a lots of educated legal immigrants from countries that are struggling, so he hypothesized that the “brain drain” exasperated the issues that the country was having. He wasn’t advocating, not allowing those immigrants in, he was just highlighting one of many issues.

More Walz…“Turn on the internet”

That’s it. He just won the everyman vote



We booking ourselves in for another John King Love-in?

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Does this bloke wanna be VP?

It seems it. He’s not getting much attention, but I hope he’s genuinely in the running. And even if not he needs to keep doing these appearances. It’s so charmingly normal. Human, even.


The plainspoken-ness is sorely needed.