US Election 2024

Does the fact she’s brought tens of thosuands of donors out of the woodwork mean anything?

Surely the Trump donors are all repeat offenders?

Tens of millions (100s?) have been poured into the pockets on consultants over the past 8 years to massage the “they’re weird” idea into a complex political message and yet no one has found a way to articulate it better than this guy who comes across like he just finished his 2-1 daquiris at Chillis and says to his bartender as he’s leaving “this shit they are doing is weird. Dont vote for the weirdos.”


You’d think so, but I’m unsure. I could be convinced that these people are almost all unhappy Dems who would have eventually come around to voting for Biden come November but are now expressing excitement at a new ticket they think will convince other people to vote the way they were always going to.

I suspect voter registration data might be more instructive. If we see notable bumps that probably represents young voters who were likely to have not voted in a race they were openly saying didnt give them any candidate they could vote for and now have been given one.


How have the goobers reacted to Wray questioning whether or not the shitgibbon was actually shot or hit by shrapnel?

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Mostly ignored it, the same way everyone has. It’s weird. I am seeing occasional insider conversations from people within the MSM defending their institution’s lack of pursuit of this information by saying we shouldn’t confuse lack of coverage with lack of effort to get details, but after 2 weeks isnt the stonewalling itself now the story?

God, I think about how they hounded Clinton for weeks for “not being honest with the American public about her health” because she didnt disclose she had pneumonia until she had to take a day off from the campaign because of it. And now this…I guess we all just buy that Trump got hit by a bullet and is totally fine now?




Yes, I saw someone on the news who I think had a role in finding donors for the dems pre Biden step down saying that if he were to go it would probably lead to a surge in donations as people were now holding off from giving money as it was looking like he would lose.

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Minnesota ftw.

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I was about to cancel after that stupid shark under Paris movie you all forced me to watch. But now I won’t.


You can be my wingman anytime, Ice.

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Have been reading that Arizona Senator Mark Kelly is a possible VP pick. I thought it might be smart because of the potential issues in Arizona. I had to look him up, saw a photo, and now I dont think it’s a good idea. (Purely based on looks). Also been reading in this thread that vp’s don’t tend to help much, not sure how true that is.

I should also have a lot more time to impart my wisdom here because I’m canceling Netflix.

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Arizona probably is not the ideal state to draw from with a California candidate. While very different states, having both candidates from the West is a problem. Despite his looks that displease you, a fairly compelling CV as a decorated combat veteran and an astronaut that will more than offset Vance’s appeal as a former Marine (basically a journalist). The other concern that people will have is sending such a strong anti-gun signal.

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He should go for Shapiro imho. Pennsylvania.

Although I like Buttigieg the most, but that might not be as strategic.

FFS,and they walk among us!

Larry would know, she probably kicked him during the 49 days and he probably bit her, but he got her out!

Shapiro is who I’ve seen floated as probably the best candidate. Kind of unfortunate that he shares a surname with Ben though.