US Election 2024

I’m just at the end of it and they are talking about cognitive tests, Trump is rambling again. Top comment on the Youtube video: “He’s taking a cognitive test right in front of you!!”

Jesus him talking about pardoning rioters, “if they are innocent” “Sir, they’ve been convicted”.

Somehow, he actually gets worse the longer that video goes on. What a horrible guy. And completely out of his mind.


So I wondered what the NYT was saying about all of this…

Not super strong, but better than I expected (false being a euphemism for inveterate liar).

I just don’t understand why they don’t go all in on him…it’s not like his acolytes will ever buy the paper, and surely there is more money in the novelty of being virulently anti-Trump than whatever this is.


I stopped watching as much as I was about 2019…I just couldn’t stomach it anymore.

Fuck I feel for anyone who had to live under his administration and who might have to again…


Don’t feel too bad on those that brought it on themselves. As for the rest of them, there’s always Canada.

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Just tell people you’re from DC, repping the hood.

Making sure my passport is proper, and scouting flats in Rotterdam myself.

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The arguments they have settled on

  1. When she was elected to the Senate several media outlets ran with headlines of her being the first Indian-American women in the senate. Apparently they think this means that at the time she identified only with her indian side and not at all with her black side, ignoring that it was the Indian part not the black part that was historical, and she doesnt get to write the headlines.
  2. on her birth certificate the race of her dad is listed as Jamaican. That means he considers himself jamaican and not black and therefore Kamala cannot be black.


The power of Trump is on show again today. It is not just that he says these things with little blow back, but that he gets people to go out there and debase themselves defending him explaining that us seeing him publicly soil himself was actually a show of political mastery. And then the press play along.

“Trump has such little regard for us he thinks he can go and do a racism and we’ll try just try to find the explanation to portray this as a savvy political move…so watch us now downplay the awfulness of this appearance and instead present this as the start of a new phase of the campaign in which Trump questions Harris’ identify in “flip flop” attack


It all makes sense now.


Lost a bit in the controversy over how ugly many of his comments were is just overall how abysmal a performance it was. When he took the opportunity to try to answer questions his responses were a rambling mess and there were 4 maybe 5 separate times where something he said in earnest was responded to with mocking laughter from the crowd (“how can this man be so fucking stupid” sort of laughter). I think in my life I have only seen one or two moments where a crowd responded to a politician like that (last time was Mitt’s Binder of women?). For it to happen to someone multiple times, in 30 minutes…

Us falling into fascism is one thing, but that it would be him leading us there, quite possibly the dumbest man to have ever been on the public stage is just an incomprehensibly sad state of affairs.


I’m feeling more positive than I have for months.



‘Now is the time to resign’: Lawyer sends warning to GOP election officials with plans to refuse results


Earlier this week, Democratic election lawyer Marc Elias predicted in an interview with Rolling Stone that pro-Donald Trump election officials across the country — in seven battleground states — are expected to refuse their duty of certifying results in November.

“‘I think we are going to see mass refusals to certify the election’ in November,” the Democracy Docket founder told Rolling Stone. “Everything we are seeing about this election is that the other side is more organized, more ruthless, and more prepared.”

“If you’re a Republican county official — do your job,” the Democratic lawyer said. “If you’re not prepared to do your job, to administer fair elections to certify accurate results, now is the time to resign. Get out of office. You’re not cut out for the job you’ve been given. If you cannot celebrate democracy and the outcome of free and fair elections, regardless of whether the candidate you support won or lost — you’re in the wrong business. Leave the election business and go do something else.”

Elias emphasized, “But if you stay in this job, if you choose to be in a position to administer elections and to certify the election results, and you don’t do your job, you’re gonna get sued. And you’re gonna lose. And you’re gonna go down in history as one of the villains in American history. And that is true for the county election officials, it is true for the state election officials, and, by the way, it is true for those Republican members of Congress listening: If you can’t accept the outcome of free and fair elections — shame on you. Go find another line of work.”

In April, the Bulwark’s AB Stoddard reported, "Delay is critical to every part of the Trump strategy if Biden wins in November—delay verifying ballots, delay with recounts, delay with audits."

Goddard also noted that in Rich Lowry’s column published by the National Review column in March, he wrote, “we can stipulate that if Trump loses in November he won’t concede the election and, in all likelihood, will engage in the same kind of pressure campaign to change the results as he did in 2020.”


The core 538 model incorporates what it refers to as “fundamentals” this far out - measures of economic prosperity and societal order. The reason they had Biden in a toss up race before he dropped out was because the fundamentals are so good, and so their model makes the assumption that the bad polls are an aberration and will eventually come around to reflect what the fundamentals indicate.

Elliott Morris, the new head model guy at 538, made an offhand comment yesterday that they are probably only one good poll away from Harris leading in a polls only approach.




This policy would mean his own wife would not have been born a US citizen


Surely…SURELY…shit like this just peels away more and more of those undecided voters?

(Not that that’s a huge bloc)


The hope is it gets people off their asses to vote, who were otherwise thinking of abstaining, energize youthful voters to go to the polls, and mobilize women voters.

Trump has a hardcore cult, but most polls show that 45-46% of the popular vote is his ceiling. Also hoping he turns off enough usual GOP voters, who have just had enough of the chaos and circus that surrounds Trump. If they just decide to not vote, it’s a plus for Kamala.

No changing the MAGAidiots, white nationalists, or “Christian” right. They’re in the orange bag.