US Election 2024

He’s becoming a bigger cunt by the day.

Not language i like using but can’t think of anything else appropriate


Yeah, it’s concerning to see someone with so much power behaving in such an irresponsible way.


Understatement of the year.


I mean, it’s concerning not only for the coming US election, but also more generally for what happens in the future everywhere, also for us who aren’t in the US. But yeah, even so, it’s certainly an understatement.

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It was all prosecuted at the last election. Dozens of lawsuits. They all failed as there was no proof of anything untoward in the election. Homeland Security and various others weighed in on it too.

But we live in a post-truth world, and the Republicans are very irresponsibly continuing with this line of attack on elections.


Because they simply do not have the numbers. They have tried everything. Taking away hundreds of thousands of people’s right to vote in Georgia. Gerrymandering the crap out of it all across the nation. Making it difficult to vote, by closing polling stations and generally making poor people have a higher bar to meet to even get to the place to vote. Not letting them have a drink while waiting in line in the sweltering heat. Etc.

The box of tricks is all but empty. Casting doubt on the legitimacy of it all is one last throw of the dice. They had an insurrection over it last time, and more violence will likely be on the way.

The profile of the country has changed, and is changing. But instead of a broad tent approach to widen the appeal, the Republican Party has become increasingly nasty and racist. It is wrong-headed, as they do not have the numbers.

They will try to give it a big push to cheat their way to power, to then try to move the levers to stay there. It looks like the death throes of something to me, and I hope what will emerge is a more sensible Republican Party that will concentrate on trying to win hearts and minds instead of lie and cheat to gain power.


Trump the Ogre needs to start working on his Plan B - His stay out of jail card - If he gets crushed at the polls, immaterial of how much, or for how long he attempts to spark Civil War in the aftermath of the count… Somewhere down the line, Jack Smith, and others, are laying in wait with his Orange romper suit :0)

On the video someone posted on here, the Republican Mayor/Governor, uttered a good catchphrase, that hopefully sticks.
“Country Before Party”
He is apparently disgusted with Trump and his cronies

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Scarily, the majority of the boots on the ground who will be doing the cheating actually believe the story. The RW information space is more deranged than most people imagine and these people have mainlined messages of how popular and righteous their positions are such that it is impossible for them to comprehend that the unpopular Dems could have won an election without cheating.


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Three lies in three sentences.

Same old…


Three? Much more than that.

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Our economy is shattered - one
Our border has been erased - two
We’re a nation in decline - three

You’re right. I misread. :hot_face:
Reading again, I disagree with number 3.
He’s correct in that the nation was in decline…but that’s from his years in the White House. He’s the one responsible.

It will be in decline if he gets in again, but, if not, I’d say it’s more in transition.

Hopefully the age of bigotry, racism, sexism and religious extremism will make way for a tolerant, diverse and forward thinking time.

Maybe I’m just caught up in the optimism of the moment, but I’ll be clinging on to that until November.


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With hope it your heart…


‘Trends won’t save Trump’: Analyst says 3 core MAGA claims against Harris are crumbling

Story by Matthew Chapman

Former President Donald Trump’s attempts to slow Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign momentum rely on three political attacks that are all falling apart, MSNBC columnist James Downie wrote Monday.

Trump’s three political grenades — crime, immigration and inflation — have each exploded in his hands as the U.S. continues its recovery from the global pandemic that hit the nation under his administration, Downie reports.

“Not since the early years of the Great Depression has news cut so uniformly against one party’s case for power,” Downie writes. “Republicans’ 2024 case has three pillars. All three are collapsing.”

Crime rates fell in 2021, 2022 and 2023. The recent Justice department data show that trend continuing with a 15 percent drop in violent crime in the first three months of 2024, according to Downie.

Inflation remains the most important in the trifecta as polls show economic concerns plague Republican and Democratic voters alike, Downie argues.

Again, the numbers make problems for Trump, Downie writes.

“Though polls show voters trust Harris far more than Biden on the issue, the GOP would like to change that,” writes Downie. “With each passing month, the case has weakened.”

Downie cites drops in inflation, the consumer price index and mortgage rates, which last week reportedly hit a 15-month low.

“As of now, real-world trends won’t save Trump,” Downie writes. “Given his tenuous relationship to reality, that’s entirely appropriate.”

The murder rate in nearly 70 major U.S. cities dropped more than 8 percent since Trump’s administration ended, Downie reports.

Immigration became a weak point for conservatives after GOP lawmakers rallied against a bipartisan border bill that gave Republicans nearly everything they wanted but might have hurt Trump’s campaign, writes Downie.

President Joe Biden circumvented Congress by enacting portions of it via executive action and now the Border Patrol is reporting the lowest number of apprehensions since the fall of 2020, Downie writes.


I just heard Nick Fuentes’ similar comments and I think that is the one that gives the game away. He is pushing a conspiracy that Trump is being purposefully undermined by his campaign leads Suzie Wiles and Chris LaCivita. The argument is as 2 old time establishment Republicans they are trying to lose him the election so he goes away and the elites regain control of the party.

MAGA is a conspiratorial movement, and one of the key conspiracies is that they are actually the majority, and in any fair election their popularity would prevail. An election that they lose badly in a way that reveals that as a fantasy has the risk of blowing up that entire world view and seeing the movement unravel. Those with influence in the movement have a vested interest in maintaining the conspiracy mindset and so you can imagine that the more the perception of the election tips towards one they cannot win the more their efforts will shift to fomenting the next conspiracy that can sustain them rather than actually trying to win.


I thought you might like this…


It fits and he is!

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Ah, that’s made this morning better.