US Election 2024

I must admit I enjoyed the hyperloop concept at the time because I hadn’t yet figured out who and what Musk represented*.


What are the demographics like? I always get the impression it’s sort of Eastbourne with hurricanes.


And alligators.


And snakes.


Isn’t it @Limiescouse’s turf? I wouldn’t know…


… and Miami Vice :0)


I never really watched that. I was a fan of CSI Miami. I suspect that my cultural references aren’t entirely relevant to the actual voting population.


The legless or 2-legged varieties?


I always thought that there must be something deeply wrong with anyone supporting Trump. Either they are gullible and dumb as rocks, swallowing the shit he’s peddling hook, line and sinker, or they are just as twisted as he is.

Judging by the millions of Trump admirers, followers and wannabes all over the world, it’s no wonder that we are collectively going down the shitter.


If Eastbourne had a sizeable expat Cuban population and a bunch of rednecks hidden in its swamps.


It’s not particular to Florida per se , but it does paint a pretty good picture of the faithful ;


Apparently it was Roger Stones’ computer that got the hackers access to the campaign.



Imagine what vile shit is on that hard drive.


We might be about to find out !

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Releasing the sordid details nearer to election date, would hurt them more - people having short memories an all


I’m strictly opposed to book banning. I read this stupidity and would ban it.

My head spins thinking Catcher in the Rye and House on Mango Street and The Biography of @cynicaloldgit are bannable, but this garbage is not.

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The optimism is not that Kamala will win it and change the options she has for a winning map, but that Trump will have to spend time and resources in a state he cannot afford to lose that had previously been assumed as one he can relatively ignore. Even for as much money as there is in politics, it is still finite, and an ad buy in a Florida market is one that cannot made in a Georgia market.

It is entirely possible that after this cycle the Dems are in the Senate minority by 1 seat. There will be many within the party who will point to the national support Val Demmings got in her attempt to unseat Rubio in 22 in an election in which she ultimately lost badly while Mandela Barnes was a handful of votes away from beating Russia Ron Johnson in a relatively underfunded campaign in WI. How you choose to spend your resources as a national party/ticket matters and situations that force you into spending it in places you werent planning on matters.


Whoever said Trump the Ogre will make things uglier and sinister the more desperate he becomes, nailed it.
This has just landed.
If it is not racist, not sure what is anymore


Lots of everything. There are lots of rural southern whites who dominate the northern part of the state and fill in the gaps between the coasts from Orlando on south. There is a black population slightly higher than the national average. A large but culturally mixed hispanic (and now brazilian) population. The Democratic heart of the state is in the densely populated (comparatively speaking) cities in the south east coast from Palm beach county through to Dade. The cities on the gulf coast look similar and have the same demographics, but for whatever reason are dominated by Republican politics. It has the highest % of retirement age people, but also one the highest % of young working age people, which is a reflection of the impact that migration has as it has long been somewhere people go to retire and where young people move to for a fresh start.

The balance of all of that is heavily impacted by migration patterns and it seems that in recent years that has favoured Republicans - anti socialist hispanics from south america and covid refugees attracted here by De Santis, but there Demos are still here for the Dems to be competitive. It has just had a state party that has run with criminal levels of incompetency and neglect the last 10 years or so. That doesn’t fix itself overnight so even with good candidates we’re probably 2-3 cycles away from being able to win state wide. But an unexpectedly close race can accelerate that.


Yes, I had an idea Florida was a bit more complicated than my media tinted ideas.

I suppose America in general is. I remember visiting Cincinnati and being amazed at the difference between Ohio and Kentucky just half an hour’s drive away.