US Election 2024

It really is a fascinating case study.

Hispanics - Cubans and South Americans are concentrated in the southern parts of the state and over index towards republicans (typically not a majority, but you cannot expect typical democratic majorities from counties whose hispanic population is made up of this demo). Puerto Ricans, and to a lesser extent mexicans, are the biggest group of the hispanic demo in central florida and they are strongly reliable democrat.

The retirees tend to come from either the NE (new york and north) or the midwest. For whatever reason, the ones from the NE gravitate to the Atlantic coast and those from the midwest to the gulf coast and with that you get a bolstering of Dem support on one coast the GOP on the other. You then have a couple of popular retirement communities in central florida that attract people from all over and that is where the mayhem breaks out with scenes in the villages around elections sometimes looking like a biker gang war but with retirees in electric golf carts.


Vote Trump and get a real Scorched Earth!


And this is the Dem’s version.

Good jobs all over the country, even scattered throughout Trump country, that are designed to bring out the green energy transformation. One of the most critical parts of this election is having the Dems retain control of the federal agencies that will be required to see these projects through the completion. The money has been allocated through Biden legislation, but with a Republican in the white house those agencies will kill everything that bill was designed to do. This is one of the most critical parts of this election - carrying forward a once in a generation opportunity to really modernize our energy infrastructure.

That is one of the most under reported aspects of Walz’s selection. Minnesota has already made tremendous strides in this area and is decarbonizing quicker than anywhere else in the US. Part of what made that possible was not just ideological support for the transition, but smart governing that brought in targeted permitting reform necessary to build the things that are required to make it happen. That happened in Walz’s administration and so he has been tagged as a resource to make that happen on a national scale should they retain the white house.


And still you get people trotting out the old ‘They’re all the same’ line.

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Proactively protesting a winning candidate to let them know they dont have a clear mandate and will be held to account, something perfectly acceptable in representative democracy and what the first amendment is for, is the same as using violence to try to overturn an election.


A reminder, even the supposed good republicans are overwhelmingly likely to be shit

It’s just impossible to reconcile a vote in the senate on impeachment that would have barred the subject from office again with then voting for him in the next election. Or at least it is without making up a bunch of shit.


It is easy actually.

:moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:

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Paternal side of the family is Florida, west coast almost exclusively…Tallahassee, Tampa, Cape Coral, Naples. Have spent a good bit of time there. When someone here in the Carolinas talks about rednecks, my stock retort is, “You ain’t seen a redneck, til you seen a north Florida redneck!”


We drive the “Polk county expressway” a few times a year as a cut through the middle of the state to get down to Naples…Bartow, Bowling Green, Alachua. There are bits of it that are pretty, but it is as much as is impossible a “drive straight through without stopping” sort of roadtrip.


A friend of mine was from a mixed marriage - Pensacola redneck dad who somehow married a Boston socialite. Marriage did not last long. Apparently his father was in the habit of removing warts and the like with a blow torch.



Apparently the right wing spin on this “if the US was powered solely by wind energy then your TV would turn off because wind only accounts for 9.6% of US energy production”.

This of course ignores the fact that absolutely no one is suggesting we should have wind only energy.


Even worse, what happens with solar power at night?
If you have a dark night with no wind you better have some candles!

Btw, Here in Germany, 57% of power generation comes from renewables, 23% of which is wind. This isn’t future technology anymore, it’s present technology.

If he could read, I’d recommend Don Quixote.


Trump has repeatedly done a bit about how silly the concept of solar is for planes because once the sun stopped shining the plane would just fall out of the sky.


My personal favourite from this genre was the claim that his hairspray could not make it into the atmosphere because his Penthouse in Trump Tower is airtight.

If only it was…


The thing is, he rambles on, spouting lies and nonsense, misunderstanding power generation, boasting about his ignorance of net zero, proposing nonsensical economic policies and yet, he still remains at 45% in the polls.
Despite everything, he’s still on track to win the election.


Harris is now ahead in most of the averages, even accounting for the EC bias. The concern is that the polls in 2020 were bad, far worse than they were in 2016 and a similar level of Trump undercounting would see him close enough to win. If we continue with any sort of positive momentum coming out of the convention next week though then the next round of polls after that will likely have a gap even bigger than those 2020 errors.


But it’s NOT A CULT!

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The slurring during the Musk fellatio the other day…he is really not the same guy as 2015 and he is far more emboldened to pull all sorts of outrageous shit.

If, as Limie suggests above, the polls widen further, I reckon we are in for a show. He’s got two and a half months left to crash and burn.

Hopefully he does us all a favour and just spirals into a stroke.


Who knew she wasn’t unelectable??