US Election 2024

100% this.

The dumb orange cunt will be holding rallies until he dies.

Trump is just not putting the work in. His whole life he has been a lazy blagger, and the contrast with the energy and effort of the Harris campaign is stark.

I think Trump is counting on counties and thus States not ratifying the vote, then it getting entangled legally - he loves a lawsuit - before bumping up to a friendly Supreme Court and getting a favorable ruling due to the election not being counted in a timely manner.

I can’t see any other play for him to win it.

Well, take that back. He will continue with his racist attacks and incessant lying, to keep his base fired up. I expect his people to come out and vote for him. The Democrats must match that, especially younger people. Get out and vote!

And if people will do that, my expectation is there will be a sizable gap between them, such that Trump’s scheming won’t have a leg to stand on.

But if the race is even somewhat close, watch out. He will try to steal it.

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Afaik, this had more to do with a long running feud between Trump and the Dem senator because of his private quack Jackson. Priorities.


They have now unearthed a submission Walz made to a cooking content in the early 00s that included green chilies, garlic and chili powder and are treating it as a scandal that he is “flip flopping on his spice preference”

:joy: :joy: :joy:


Is that really the standard of American politics these days?

Jesus wept.


Montana rally was for the Senate seat. Flipping that seat to Republican gives them a fighting change at the majority.


They are really only one post away from someone crying that they get to use the N word and we don’t

FWIW, when I lived in St Louis (the midwest) I used to do a monthly chili Sunday for my teammates and came to realize I had to make two batches, one that was recognizably chili for most people and a specific St Louis version that was not much more than sautĂ©ed meat with onions. I argued with them “do you not know of your cultural heritage with spice from the eastern spice trade?” and they simply replied by saying “go easy with the onions, that’s spicy”


Still waiting on John Kelly to announce to the world in his own voice the various statements of disregard Trump actually has for the US troops. When your commitment to your honor is actually dishonorable by staying quiet through this election


This version is a more accurate reflection and precisely why they need a fake online persona to appear “cool”


When Trump the Ogre dances, it looks like he trying to lay an egg.
What a tosser that man is eh

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When the weirdos on the extreme right want to make a thing out of pepper, and how spicy you like your food, it is a sign that they have lost the plot.

Do they have any policies to attack?
Or policies of their own that might win some hearts?

Bwaaark. Black pepper. The outrage :joy:

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MAGAts: “Walz lied! He made a recipe with chili pepper.”

Normal person: “Trump lies every time he opens his mouth.”

MAGAts: “That’s just what Trump does, so what?”


But he’s not a politician so you cannot hold him to the normal standard they say
about the guy who has been running for president non stop for 13 years, including the 4 years when he was actually the fucking president.


The feud that @Cologne-Liverpool noted is probably why the Trump campaign listened to the RNC, but the timing is weird. The conventional wisdom is the Presidential campaigns build a base, then once the Fall arrives starts hitting the key races - in direct proportion to how solid any lead is.

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The U.S. election is of course none of my business, however anyone who is eligible to vote in it may want to watch this video.


It’s all our business LA. You don’t think that the direction the US takes will have an effect globally?

How did the Japanese feel about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki comments? That can’t have gone down well.

Obviously, I haven’t been paying enough attention. What Hiroshima and Nagasaki comments?

Did somebody say that bombing those cities was justifiable?

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Musk said to Trump that it was no big deal and Trump agreed.


 it’s not exactly incorrect. Those cities were rebuilt as part of Japan’s post-war reconstruction and apart from the war memorials there, you wouldn’t know that they had been levelled by atom bombs.

Of course, nuclear devices nowadays are much more powerful than the atomic bombs used against Japan, and the use of a nuclear device now would be responded to several times over which isn’t something that Japan or anyone else could have done at that time.

As for the response in Japan, as I was unaware of Musk’s simplistic comments it would seem that the Japanese media chose to disregard the bullshit spouted by two narcissistic wankers.

Most people in Japan do not believe the government and they avoid consuming any produce from the Tohoku region.


Maybe the hundreds of thousands of victims killed in the initial blast, those who continued to die from radiation sickness for decades afterwards and their families and loved ones might not consider it such a trifle.
It says a lot about those two narcissistic sociopaths that they only look at it in terms of buildings without any consideration of the human tragedy.