US Election 2024

It’s easy for those to feel detached about the horrors and the aftermaths that happened 3 generations ago.
There’s no connection to the victims and events. How many of us personally know someone who’s deeply involved.
I do to a certain extent but it was not until I met and get to know quite well one who suffered the dire consequences of the horrific bombings.
Born in Japan, raised in America and settled down in Singapore, he came into the world 10 years after the “Little Boy” WMD had done its mass destruction.
Physically he was not affected though both his parents contracted radiation sickness and succummed when he was 6 years old.
Life in a cold and depressing orphanage was hard, with perennial of food and clothings.
His elder sister who was with him ran away, never to be heard of again by him.
After a few short, but indeterminably long years to him, he was adopted by an old Japanese-American couple who were not financially well-off.
Unfortunately he couldn’t connect with them and ran off when he was sixteen.
He struggled to support himself but eventually managed to get to university courtesy of the graces of a childhood friend’s rich adotive parents who sponsored his education.
Listening to him recounting his bad experience of his early life - as a direct result of the War - do made me more appreciative of what we didn’t have to go through.
Natural parents taken away by the aftereffects of the nuclear fallout, left alone without a single relative in the world, a fitful abnormal young life - first in an impersonal “home” for the very young and then tolerating unloving adoptive parents up to his teens.
To have gone through those unpleasant experiences is unimaginable to most of us, especially those born with a silver spoon in the mouth and lived sheltered lives.


Just because it made me laugh ;

‘Donald J. Trump’s media strategy can be summed up with a phrase often applied to one of his erstwhile nemeses, the logorrheic New York City mayor Ed Koch: unavoidable for comment.’


Mr Musk was talking about nuclear power with the former president when he said people have an unfounded fear of nuclear electricity generation. It is the “safest form of electricity generation”, he argued.

“People were asking me in California, are you worried about a nuclear cloud coming from Japan? I am like no, that’s crazy. It is actually, it is [not even dangerous]. I flew there and ate locally grown vegetables on TV to prove it," he said during the interview on his social media platform X on Monday.

“Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed but now they are full cities again,” the multibillionaire owner of Tesla, SpaceX and X said.

“That’s great, that’s great,” Mr Trump responded

“It is not as scary as people think, basically,” Mr Musk added.

I guess you can interpret anyway you like, depending on if you like or dislike the messengers.

What I got from it was not trivializing the bombing, it was a discussion about the safety of nuclear power.

That being said, this is the only part of the conversation that I have been able to find.

Is it not trivialising the bombings to completely gloss over the millions of victims from it?

To you, perhaps. To me, if it was the political figure I respect the most saying things like that, they would certainly be plummeting in my estimation.


It amazes me that anyone still listens to what this fucker has to say. (Apart that it is from when it comes to Ukraine , where he remains relevant.)

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Does he? Isn’t he one of the Russian toadies who went to kowtow to Putin on Independence Day?

No , he’s very anti-Putin.

Of course he’s a nasty piece of work, but he represents a more pragmatic part of the Reps. They have tied themselves to this uncontrollable beast and now have to bear the consequences. Trump is very unlikely to listen to any advice and any perceived criticism is likely to drive him even further into his mad ramblings.
It shows that they’re scared though, which is good to see.

God this guy is disgusting. :see_no_evil: I’d really wish for him to shut his gob up once and for all, at least publicly.

I live in South Carolina, so I have a good bit of knowledge regarding Lady G.

It is well known in local political circles that Lindsey is gay, yet refuses to come out, for fear it will ruin his standing among GOPers. It’s one of those nudge, nudge, wink, wink secrets. I, along with many others could care less, but it is a very Lindsey thing too do. He is obsessed with keeping his power, and money coming in.

Lindsey will say whatever he deems appropriate to keep him in power, and relevant to his voting public. Along with Lady G, another of Lindsey’s nicknames here is Mr. Waffle, as he will waffle back and forth on an issue, until he feels that he’s found the proper message to keep his voters happy. Nikki Haley and Tim Scott are Lindsey protégés, and are well known for doing the same in order to consolidate power.

It has essentially been the GOP playbook for years now, under Mitch McConnell. Keep putting out statements on an issue until you find one that clicks with your voters and donors. Then push that to consolidate power, and keep the money flowing.

I imagine that a healthy percentage of GOP congressional members are far more concerned with keeping a job where they don’t have to work very hard, and comes with incredible perks, than they are legislating.


I imagine it won’t be long before someone comes along to tell you that both sides are the same, all politicians are alike, and corrupt and hypocritical, etc.

Exactly. And what he’s saying here is that Trump needs to be more disciplined and on message because he thinks that ‘rogue’ Trump is electorally damaging. If self serving Republicans like him are worried, it’s a good sign.


People can say/believe whatever they want, but I’ve been on this planet long enough, and met enough politicians, to know this not to be true. I’ve met plenty who are selfless hard workers, hoping to do the right thing for their constituents. They do enjoy the perks, mind you, but trying to help people is what powers their beliefs.


I find it rather amusing now that those Congressmen (Graham included) who used to preach ; ‘Let Trump be Trump’ , are now convulsed with fear at the prospect of what might next come out of his stupid fat mouth.

It’s also worth noting that Trump’s ascendency in the polls happened when people were actually seeing / hearing much less of him. Now that he’s back in the spotlight people are reminded of just how much of a buffoon he is , and his numbers probably reflect that as much as they do enthusiasm for Harris.


Trump is a buffoon, you are absolutely correct with such an apt title. The difference between him and Kamala is like chalk and cheese for everyone to see, if only they would open their eyes to view the amount of absolute dribble and bullshit he spouts.
One represents everything you would expect from a POTUS, the other is trying to turn it into some sort of gameshow competition. A slagging match of cheap shots to win votes.


The press here are getting increasingly frustrated that Kamala has not done a formal press conference yet or sit down interview. There is some acknowledgement of her situation of trying to put a campaign together in triple quick time around a reworked convention, but, as they claim, the 4th estate plays a vital role in informing the public about elections and it needs to be addressed seriously that one candidate is not playing her part in allowing that to happen. Yet this is what they do when they have an opportunity to ask questions of the tickets.

The press have plenty of opportunities to do reporting that informs voters and demonstrates the value of the 4th estate. They don’t and its not the candidates fault that it isn’t happening.


Trump: I have a plan to beat inflation and it involves other people doing unspecified things that I will give no detail on, and it certainly sounds like my desired goal is actually to bring about significant deflation.

The press: Now trump has given us details on his main economic policy, the question has to be asked, what is Harris hiding?


IMO, wouldn’t be surprised that press interviews have been put back until after the convention. Might just be common courtesy that she wants to address her party about stuff, before they hear it third or fourth hand if it was being trickled and distorted through the press interviews.
These are unusual times, and she is faced with an unusual foe (weird). Trump the Ogre is desperate, absolutely desperate, to get his teeth into anything she says, or divulges at this early juncture of her campaign.
Putting herself, not only in front of the recognised press, but also the many stooges he will have planted in the crowd also, asking loaded questions to give them something, anything, that will put a chink in her armour, in readiness for him to drive the spear home, when he is pontificating next, on one of his many podiums.
Being a smart, articulate, powerful woman, is exactly what Trump the Ogre will be hesitant to go up against, most certainly in a one-to-one debate, that is on the cards early September - Anything he can use to soften her up before then, will give him hope that he can handle her at the forthcoming debate.
Hardest thing in the world, is to win an argument, or point score, against someone who doesn’t engage in the verbals… That debate stage, is her arena, and she is dragging his fat arse in there - avoiding the press, gives him very little, recent ammunition, to attack her with.

