US Election 2024

Weird of the corrupt kind

Given the lionisation of the military that is pervasive throughout US culture, will these repeated gaffes have any impact on his vote share?

From the replies, I am not hopeful.


America doesnā€™t lionize the military, it just pretends to.


Crikey, thatā€™s pretty fucking grim.

Itā€™s a cult. The MAGAts are all in for dear leader. Anything he does or says will be explained away through convoluted logic.

A third of this country has pledged undying loyalty to a blowhard scam artist. Iā€™m just afraid of what the fallout may be when he eventually implodes, or runs off to Venezuela.

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Iā€™m more afraid of the fallout if heā€™s reelected to be honest.


You would pray for the people of Venezuela. Noone should have to put up with that much

What they did was illegal. Their conduct while there (getting into a physical altercation with ANC staff trying to stop them) was a dishonour to everyone who had ever worn the uniform. Even had they managed to pull it off with no issue it would have still been an incredibly crass stunt, but is made all the worse for his documented disdain of the individuals who make up the armed forces - Kellyā€™s confirmation of the suckerā€™s and losers comments, his recent bit about the medal of honour, his refusal to go to doverā€¦fuck do people even remember today that botched Yemen raid in his first weeks that was approved just to prove Obama was a pussy (Obama had rejected it based on too low a chance of success) leading to criticism from families of the deceased about the decision and Trump deciding it wasnt worth his time to subject himself to that anymore resulting in him sending Pence every other time.

Yet MAGA people will give you and up is down, black is white response to every single one of those finding ways to excuse them, blame someone else, or just deny that the issue happened.


Good chance I wonā€™t stay here if that happens.


Good chance there wonā€™t be a ā€œhereā€ anywhere on this earth if that happensā€¦

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Interesting timing by Zuckerberg. What made him suddenly make this statement?

Never let the more recent focus of the awfulness of Musk, Sacks and the rest of the All In fuckos make us forget that Zuk is also a special kind of self-serving cunt who will blow up anything that serves his interests.


Yeah thatā€™s what thought as well. Itā€™s somehow serving his purpose.

RFK can not remove himself from the ballot of two battlefield states. The Dems attempt to get Stein? removed has also failed.

This is top class goading.

Anything they get out of it in terms of debate rules is a plus. The point here is to wind trump up and get the campaign team fighting with each other (they say ā€œrules have already been agreedā€ while trump goes off script and says heā€™s fine with open mics)


See what I mean??


Isnt that the same school uniform @aussielad posted of himself wearing yesterday?


haha :rofl: :rofl:

edit: notice his weird shoulders too ? Itā€™s down to the pads he wears in his suits to make him look big , but when he sits they collapse.


or rather illogical gymnastics?

He is wearing a pair of black jeggingsā€¦ either that or the tops of his socks have been stitched to the rim of his boxer shortsā€¦