US Election 2024

No point having laws for x because criminals dont care about laws is an argument that only ever gets made when x = guns.

The overlap with people who support public changing room/toilet laws to stop women being abused is considerable.


Not directly, not that it makes my point less true. You just have to look at the news. The amount of legally owned weapons that are used for criminal intent is negligible. I would be shocked if it’s any different in the UK.

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In today’s exercise of “does remember he was actually president already?”

Trump sole piece of meaningful legislation was his tax bill that in practice eliminated the SALT deduction. This was included because he wanted it as a finger in the eye to rich democratic voters it overwhelming benefited, and was something he did touchdown dances over achieving.

Now he wants it gone and we have to hold the person responsible who got rid of it


I hope he got Homer Simpson to train him.


But why do UK/all other developed countries have far fewer shootings?
It’s because guns are much harder to get hold of.


They have quite a few stabbings instead.

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If a person goes on the rampage with a knife, they can’t possibly kill the same number as someone with an assault rifle.
This is statistically proven.
There is knife crime in the UK, for example, and that’s terrible, of course, but the murder rate is miniscule compared to the US.


We don’t hear of school stabbings in the US. Do kids with bad intentions have greater access to guns than kitchen knives? Or do they just think guns are more lethal (as @Bekloppt notes above)?

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From time to time I have conversations with people here in Indiana who say they would like to visit England on vacation, but they aren’t so sure about safety.

These aren’t extremist people, just normal everyday people, usually with a few dollars to throw on a nice vacation, as they think about a trip across the pond. The media diet consumed is obviously a key factor in how they view such a trip, so the answer I give goes something like this:

Do you feel safe living in the greater Indianapolis area? The answer is always yes, I feel safe here. Then I say Indianapolis has a population of around 900k people, and last year there were 230 homicides.

London has a population approaching 10 million, and last year there were 116 homicides.

London is a diverse melting pot, with every nationality and language, but still magnitudes safer than a fair to middling US City.

Take a trip! No big city in the world is completely safe and you can’t guarantee nothing would ever happen, but statistically it is much safer than here! Go and see Big Ben, and whatever else you want to do. Travel, broaden your mind!

I should be getting paid by the UK Tourism Board as several friends have taken trips to the UK and Europe after conversations like this, and they loved it.


Clearly the only way to stop a bad guy with a knife is with a good guy with a knife. :thinking:


A good guy with a chopping board?


The opening scene of Newsroom has a developed a cringe reaction to it over the years, but it works because it speaks to something very real. The average American views the world as a bipolar place of America or Eye Ran with not only nothing in between but a blindness to the reality that many of things they value about America are just as well or better achieved in many other western countries.


WSJ are reporting that before Vance started speaking about the Hatians in Springfield his office reached out to city officials for information only to be told there was no truth to the story, and then ran with it anyway.


Or, are stabbings just not newsworthy enough in the USA?


Regarding healthcare, Trump’s comments in the debate were interesting in that it has led him down a path of starting to claim that it is he who saved the ACA. Of course we know he ran on repealing and replacing, and then after 4 years or promising his replacement plan in 2 weeks, never came up with anything remotely resembling a replacement plan.

Now Vance is doing interviews claiming that their version of “protecting” the ACA includes repealing protections for existing conditions, which is really the single most important core feature of the ACA. The pre ACA version of what insurance could do regarding preexisting conditions are so bad that people barely believe the stories are true when they hear them today. As many faults as the ACA has, without a complete overhaul of the way we access and pay for healthcare, it is about the best we can do, and returning to the pre-ACA era approach to PEC would be catastrophic.


No surprises since Vance has basically admitted to running with a lie. Nothing matters anymore… just say and do whatever the fuck you want… everything is fine.


Did you give any credibility to Trump and Vance before that? Did you think that the US election is anything else than a mockery?
See, nothing has changed. :wink:

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For most of the rest of the world, a mockery. For those of us living here, an all too fearful reality.


With that tweet, he has given ideas to a lot of unhinged people out there. If something happens, and I fully expect people to try, it’ll be partly on him.

Imo, he should be instantly removed from being a contractor. If Biden has any backspine left in him, he should act immediately and put maximal pressure for that to happen.