US Election 2024

I haven’t been around as long as you. So I will again take your word as gospel.


Never take anyone’s word as gospel.

Especially mine.


Upside down Trump Bible cyclicaloldgit 1:23


There is a saying about the real power of a dictator being not in being allowed to lie without people calling it out, but in getting people to repeat what they know to be a lie.

But Younkin has always been this guy. He won his election primarily because he was one of the first to stoke the flames of CRT destroying our schools fearmongering.


Trump was going to lockup everyone when he was president, he didn’t.
Trump was going to be a dictator when he was president, he wasn’t.
Trump was not going to leave the presidency, he did.
Trump was going to start wars, he didn’t.
Democracy was going to be dead, its not.
All the hysterical liberals were going to leave the country, they didn’t.
Etc, Etc.

But I understand all of you, this time its different because …

I still believe Trump will win this election in a landslide (300+ seats). In the battleground states, he will be at least 1 point ahead the polls, and on some more than 3pts. IF Harris does win, it will be by the very slightest of margins, less than a point, and it will be closer to 270 than 300.

I’m actually going to change my prediction, and now think he will also win the popular vote.

EDIT: I wont be ignoring all your reply’s and disdain, I just don’t have time to argue with all of you.


Because he had no fucking choice , and he tried everything under the sun not to , upto and including an armed insurrection.

But never mind let’s just pretend it was all totally normal and there was a peaceful transfer of power.


I’ve always liked you as a poster, but what makes you think that this outcome is plausible?

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Imagine captain bone spurs and his band of weirdos if Momala mailed it in for an interview.

Having said that, it’s probably for the best for all parties, including himself.

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He believes , and he could be right , that the polls are underestimating Trump’s support again. If it is the case then he could easily make a clean sweep of the battleground states , giving him a landslide victory.


But he doesnt take polls seriously?

Does anyone anymore ?

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The difference between a Trump 270 and 300+ win is very small given the way the electoral college works. It is a prediction totally within the bounds of possible given the polls. But of course, we dont believe the polls (unless they are good for Trump).

The rest of it though? Sheesh. There was a fucking multi pronged attempt at a coup. For some people the fact it didnt work, the fact there was JUST enough people where it counted to stop it in its tracks, seemingly is the same as it having not happened. But that is precisely why Project 2025 exists, and why it started being put together almost immediately post Jan7th. They wont let the same mistakes happen a second time.


Somewhere lost amongst the crazy (small number), the calculus amongst the less crazily inclined (the number that matters) is still likely “who would you trust more with the economy?”. This is not classical Republicans, nor the Maga variant, but rather the low to low middle income voters that “instinctively” vote for the “low tax”/“better for the economy” messaging.

The constellation that Trump seems to have kept sniffing around his parts is enforcing the impression that “business” trusts him (an old Repub trope).

Are the Dems too focused (strategy wise) on the crazy rather than those that matter.

That may be true, although the craziness is so out there as to be impossible to ignore.
The Democrats are demonstrably better at handling the economy. Harris’ tax plan is better for 90% of the population. I agree that this should be the message every time they speak.


‘Huge defeat for Trump’: Experts celebrate ruling requiring GA officials to certify election (


Military to arrest McBurney threat in 3, 2, 1…


Weirdo with the woman who shot but did not eat her dog.

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So, why say all those things if you don’t plan to do them? Wouldn’t you prefer a candidate who said what they were going to do and then did it? Isn’t it basically dishonest to eg promise a wall that never gets built?

Of course this time there would be far fewer impediments, like the SC or voices of moderation to hold him back.


This is unexpected

This Montana Republican is concerned that new rules his side have put in place for this election will see as many as 50,000 republican voters not allowed to vote. Tester looks like toast in the polls, but won his race by less than 20,000 last time around.