US Election 2024

Given? After they bought it you mean.

Yes, exactly. State buys them and gives them to newlyweds for free.


Ah, yes, obviously, stupid me. Couldnā€™t get my head around Trump giving out anything for free.

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Thatā€™s ridiculously long. How are you supposed to know about all these Judges, etc?

Great idea. Beautiful idea.

After all, newlyweds will have their minds on other things, not shopping for toilet paper.


I didnā€™t think it was surprising either seeing as I have been vigorously arguing this very things for over a year. Some of the core issues at play in this election are based on a hell scape fantasy that exists only in the minds of voters and the press.


Yeah, itā€™s ridiculous.

Take a look at the constitutional amendment section. These are a mess and voters are being asked to vote directly on things that are typically really confusing and difficult to understand the implication of, and if it goes wrong are much harder than legislation to ā€œfix.ā€ I am in a group chat discussing them and despite being more or less aligned on the big picture there is very little agreement on what the various amendments means or what it would mean for you vote on each one.

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Something from that sample:

Shall Judge Roger Gannam of the Sixth District
Court of Appeal be retained in office?

Does this mean the Judge has done something ā€œwrongā€?

Itā€™s why I prefer sentiment. In Canada right now they are lauding the inflation rate, which is technically correct, however to me itā€™s hardly relevant because itā€™s a lower rate that has followed several abysmal rates, so that damage had already been done.

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I think yet again you are talking at cross purposes. Few people would argue that public sentiment is more important than economic metrics in predicting the outcome of an election. The point of the discussion is the expectation that objective reality as described by a broad set of metrics all saying largely the same thing should drive sentiment but that is not what we are seeing and has not been the case for pretty much the entire Biden presidency.

I donā€™t know the details of Canada, but in the US at least the objective reality still argues against that sentiment showing that on average, and across broad segments of the population including lowest income workers most likely to be hurt by inflation, wages have risen more than inflation. It is right there in the piece you responded to. There is also a circle that needs to be squared in that response about your personal experience of inflation, in Canada.


Iā€™m not sure if you can take photos. I would think not, but I donā€™t know. Given the climate, and the heightened tension around any ā€˜funny businessā€™ with the voting machines, I could see why taking a photograph is a bad idea.

On our ballot, from memory, there was a vote for the Governor. I voted against Mike Braun who was running, as he is a MAGA guy.

There were also votes for various congressional districts. I know the guy who is running in my district, Josh, so I voted for him. Good man.

There were some options for finance positions within the state, which in my view should not have been on the ballot. They should be appointed. Thereā€™s no way in hell I could possibly research individual workers in those positions to assess whether or not they are doing their long division correctly!

And then finally, in the district where I live in West Carmel, there was a vote for members of the school board (Carmel High School is a very large High School, 5500 kids, excellent academically, in sports too - especially swimming where one of the students, Alex Shackell - a friend of my sonā€™s in his class - just came back from the Paris Olympics with two medals, gold and silver!)

The school board thing is a symptom of the wider cultural war, regarding censorship in education and what should and should not be allowed. My instinct on that stuff is to let the educators decide what should be taught. Once parents are running the show, all bets are off. Might as well close the schools and make it all home schooling.


No one should be allowed to be president who uses people that instead of people who

Think of the poor children.


Beware his attorneys.

Although Iā€™m sure heā€™s just kidding around. Heā€™s such a kidder.


Be fair now, he was probably working on that all day


No wonder people donā€™t vote, that is bloody stupid.

ā€œI want to be a whale psychiatristā€ :joy:


I am so tired of all this Trump shit.
The lies, the stupidity, the hate, the ignorance, the venality, the ugliness, the disrespect, the corruption, the racism, the misogyny, the immorality, the hypocrisy, the cynicism, the narcissism, the cowardice, the nastiness, the total lack of any redeeming human quality at all.
I long for the day when we no longer have to hear his name.