US Election 2024

Not many people know that, but we had a lady in power who had studied physics and all she got us was bloody windmills. EVERYWHERE.


Pretty pathetic response. This is a forum for discussion. If you don’t want to discuss, don’t post.
It was obvious what my questions were about, there were quotes and links in my posts. They were genuine questions and I was genuinely interested to hear the point of view from the other side, but you were rude and dismissive.
This is typical of the current state of political discourse and it’s a shame.



The interviewer’s first response…

(Utter confusion) What are you saying?

:rofl: :rofl:


The US is done. There’s no coming back from this.


My IPad went into sleep mode when I walked away at half time and when I woke it up my Paramount app defaulted to live local news. The discussion was literally about how awful it was Biden insulted Trump’s supporters.


But this is completely normal


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Loose lobes, bro, they sink ships.

What a t-shirt though!



Heaven’s a gated community is what came away with…

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Nuclear?? It’s nucular!


Ahhh, c’mon, we’re not all like this. That’s just ole uncle Cletus. We give him a bottle of Jack Daniels, and set him in the corner when he comes over for Thanksgiving.


And,it follows we don’t give a shit about the women…unless he can grope them.

Clearly he has been there and come back, few have achieved that!

Spoiler alert, the one the PHD thinks they have a really high IQ and thinks the high school graduate in the military has the lowest IQ. The PHD in this group was the lowest IQ. I have no idea if Harris has high IQ, I do know she is well educated. The correlation between high IQ and education is not always a good indicator.

I place leadership as the most important thing for a president. I think Harris has next to no leadership abilities, Biden has decent leadership abilities. I think Trump has the highest leadership abilities of the 3.

Seriously, you want me to watch 20m of Jimmy Kimmel for serious political discussions? He has been a rabid anti trump advocate for the past 10+ years. This is a bridge to far for me so I cant comment on the content of the video, sorry.

Ok, now that I have scrolled up just for you, let me answer. Read and digest, it will help you understand rather than seeing a few words and jumping to conclusion. I understand its a sensitive subject and hard to not get emotional. This is a LFC forum, there are most likely no experts on here, even though there are some knowledgeable people here that for the most part are capable of keeping emotions in check and explaining pov’s.

I never said it was a conspiracy theory, I alluded to being as paranoid as a conspiracy theorist.

Calling people animals is generally not acceptable. Calling drug dealers, human traffickers, murderers, rapists, etc animals, I really don’t have an issue with this. This is how I interpret “animals”. I don’t think he is referring to every illegal immigrant. Just like I don’t think Biden thinks all Republicans are garbage, just like I don’t really believe that Harris/Clinton/etc think Trump is the next Hitler or a Fascist. I think it is something said in order to change the mind of gullible voters, imo this does not work in this case. I am not saying that I think there are a lot of gullible voters, I just think that there are people that hate Trump so much that they comfortable labelling him as such. I think people here don’t really, deep down, think he is the next Hitler. It’s a title that diminishes what happened to millions of Jews, Gypsies (what they were called then), mentally and physically disabled people, POW’s, and the countless lives of combatants and innocent civilians that were lost during the war, on both sides.

I don’t excuse when politicians use this language however I also understand that it is also purposefully interpreted to suit ones political ideologies. Republicans do it, Democrats do it, and they do it to win an election. In one part of the country they will say A in order to get the vote, while in other parts of the country they will say B in order to get the votes, on the same question. I have always believed this.

My position in this election is trust. I don’t trust Harris or Biden, I don’t trust Trump, however I trust him significantly more than the aforementioned. I have from the very start believed that the election will be won on the economy/inflation and the border/immigration. I believe that Trump is the best for this even with all his flaws, and so do the majority of voters in the USA as per the polls (I cant vote). Harris has an edge on the abortion which is anywhere from 3rd to 5th on the list of issues. Yes, I do believe in the polls, I just don’t think the national polls with regards to popular vote are that interesting. I do like the polls for battleground states. I do like the polls on issues. I don’t think all the pollsters are good enough as there are some with Rep bias and some with Dem bias. I think overall the bias is against Rep and especially Trump as the democratic party, imo, has become the party of intolerance when it comes to Trump and his supporters. I do think the pollsters will once again underestimate Trump in the polls, on average.

I think Trump will now win the popular vote (didn’t before). I think he will get all of the voters he got last election, plus a few million more, maybe even more than Biden got. I think he will sweep the battlegrounds (maybe missing 1). I don’t think it is possible for him to win the popular AND lose the election. I do think there will be election fraud, I always believe there is, I have just never thought there is enough election fraud in the USA to change the result of an election. If Trump loses I expect he will fight it unsuccessfully in court, I don’t think he will organize a march on the capital to overthrow the government. If he, in an alternate reality does try, he will need more than 5 thousand supporters with banners, pitch forks, utility knives and a handgun.

As mentioned, I cant vote, however if I could I would 100% vote for Trump. It, country to popular opinion, doesn’t make me racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, fascist, a Hitler lover, a Trump lover, unintelligent, garbage, etc.

I hope for the sake of the Democratic party they lose so badly that they reevaluate what they stand for, as they have truly lost their way over the past 10 years. I stand with Musk and Maher on this and agree that the party has lost their identity as they have moved too far to the left in certain instances hence watering down the moderates that made the democratic party that I remember.

I also can honestly not keep up with answering every single reply or mention in this thread, I truly am busy and prefer to spend my time in more LFC related threads. I am 1 person in a thread full of people that are very contrary to my opinions. I give you the benefit of that doubt that you understand this.

I do get some things factually wrong, people do misinterpret what I say, I’m not looking for sympathy, I really don’t care if you or anyone else disagrees with me. I’m not here as a contrarian.


I gave a thumbs up for the earnest and sincere response.

I don’t get it! Trump is so obviously awful on any number of levels, but you are more than allowed to stand your ground and support your candidate.

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That’s a very creative explanation about low IQ, but honestly, I just don’t think Trump meant it that way.


in other news…

Not weird at all. Nope. Looks pretty presidential.



Having said that, Biden needs to stay out if this. No need for that. Let Momala run it the way she wants.

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The real fraud was the one we had with us all the time!

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