US Election 2024

Well they may not exactly frame themselves in that light. “Legitimate economic anxiety” etc.

So woke even the police are called PC thesedays :see_no_evil:


I still think its an absolute fantasy to believe that he gains support after criminal convictions. His hardline supporters will rally around, which gets him 35-40% of the vote, but tough to see many middle-grounders being persuaded to come to Trump’s side while he’s a convicted criminal.

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Depends on how those middle-grounders see the conviction, some will think it’s a genuine conviction, other will see it as a hit job, the only question is what the % split will be. Some won’t be swayed one way or another as they are focused on issues that are important to them personally, and maybe a conviction is not one of the issues they are concerned with.

My concern isn’t so much that he ‘wins’ the vote but that the election mechanisms in republican controlled states break down such that victory is claimed for Trump based on corrupt partisan sign off in his favour. You just know the supreme court isn’t going to help. I am still at a loss why Biden didn’t appoint 30-40 new moderately democrat and republican independent supreme Court justices as the only easy way to reset the court. Unfortunately the democrats have fallen into a trap which could have repercussions for democracy.

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And then the press will pretend they are unable to tell the difference between any attempt to remedy these issues vs Trump’s big lie and position the Dems as hypocrites.

We are getting the same thing now with their coverage of Trump’s “revenge” prosecutions, ignoring that prosecutions by independent prosecutors for crimes they are publicly required to show the evidence of are not the same as political threats to prosecute someone for something they’ll figure out the justification for later.

What he doesn’t mention , and what could be far more significant , is the reaction post-sentencing. Regardless of the actual sentence , whether it’s a suspended sentence , house arrest or whatever , I think Judge Merchan’s summing up is likely to be devastating. I don’t see how can do anything but excoriate Trump for trying to subvert the entire process from start to finish and still maintain his innocence , and all the while proclaiming he’s the victim of a vast conspiracy and judicial malfeasance. This should come just a couple of days before the Republican convention and is likely to cast a huge pall over the proceedings and the rest of his campaign. The real reckoning for his illegality might not have arrived just yet.


On Judge Merchan’s summing up, I hope he does it bullet point style. A long windy thing will not hit the public as it should.

I remember the difference between Mueller and Barr, when Barr intervened to wrest control of the narrative at the last second. Mueller did all the work, but Barr summarized it concisely and won the PR battle (shamefully on his part, I might add).

Hopefully Judge Merchan is forthright, clear and concise. The public can’t handle nuance, or paragraphs of information!


According to an article i saw today he (Trump) is paying people to come to his rallies.



Donald Trump Ridiculed for Waving to ‘Nobody’ Again as He Boards His Private Plane


Donald Trump was mocked for acting like he was interacting with his supporters when he really wasn’t.

While boarding his private plane, the ex-president, 77, was seen waving to people on the tarmac, though there didn’t seem to be anyone around him.

Trump critic Ron Filipkowski captioned the video clip “He’s waving to nobody. His campaign staffer filming this is who he points to. That’s it. It’s all a scam, staged, and fake.”

Of course, people saw though the gimmick was hysterical. One person wrote, “That’s exactly right. His campaign is flailing — he has to advertise and pay followers to attend. He hires a tech firm to increase his poll numbers. It’s all phony intimidating tactics,” while another said, “Everything he does is staged.”


I think its really notable that the ostentatious displays of Trump support here in Central Florida are nothing like what we saw in 16 and 20. I get it is still kind of early (although I think the idea the campaigns don’t really start until after the summer conventions is an outdated idea), but it ALMOST feels like a normal (boring) election.

I am going to start doing this every time I get in my car


General or growing apathy of the electorate maybe?

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You havent seen me when i arrive at a car park in my van yet have you?

Thinking about it, why havent you?


Did everybody see Shitler’s meltdown about sharks and electric boats yesterday :rofl:


No. Got video?


The whole thing was indistinguishable from the utterings of the homeless guy who constantly tries to fight passing cars at the intersection by my gym.


It’s possible there has been an additional realignment and his support is now in areas I wouldnt as readily see the support (I doubt it)

It’s possible there is a cohort issue where a lot of his identified support is younger and have less ability to make the same visible displays of support we saw before (own fewer houses and cars?)

I think there is reasonable evidence elsewhere though that the enthusiasm for him is simply a lot shallower this time around than in either of the previous elections.