US Election 2024

I noted the same thing a few months ago about driving around Northern Maine, an absolute stronghold of Trump support in 2020. Still to this day there is barely a sign up anymore showing outward support for him. There were areas that used to blanketed with Trump banners, every car with Trump stickers (or disturbingly I even saw one car with a full window decal making it look like Trump was in the passenger seat) Now it’s just the one or two, maybe a pick up truck with a “F*ck Biden” flag flying off the back of it. In comparison to the last few years though it definitely feels like a dampening of enthusiasm.

He’ll still win Maine’s 2nd District but it’s not the same anymore. I think there is an apathy towards Trump that simply wasn’t there before.

Holy fuck , yeah. That was just pure stream of nonsenseness ! He was fucked without that teleprompter.

And this coming from the guy who said back in 2016 ;

“I’ve always said, if you run for president, you shouldn’t be allowed to use teleprompters, because you don’t even know if the guy’s smart.”

“I don’t use teleprompters,” he said in January, criticizing Hillary Clinton for using one. “Wouldn’t that be easy, teleprompters? I watched Hillary the other day and she has the biggest teleprompters I’ve ever seen."

lol … he said yesterday he was gonna stiff the teleprompter firm … great idea Donald. Imagine having to listen to him riff his way through the rest of the campaign if all the teleprompter firms boycotted him. It’d be a walkover for Biden ! :smile:


Trying to play devil’s advocate, maybe he’s trying to show how much of an ordinary guy he is with his total ignorance of physics and biology (no battery is that strong, and even if it was, it would zap the shark too). Now all the smartass coastal ‘elites’ will be sniggering, which just shows he’s a man of the people.
Or something.


It beggars belief that there are working joes in America who think that this multi millionaire has their best interests at heart.

The same applies on this side of the pond, with Farage.


I dont think they actually do. I think for many Trump voter they are so bought in to the idea that government can do nothing good for them, and so if it isnt going to do that, they may as well use their vote to hurt the people they dont like.

It is sometimes called “drained pool politics” after the movement that saw communities close down their public (white only) swimming pools rather than be forced to share them with black people after desegregation.


Hunter Binden has been found guilty of buying a gun. Does that affect anything? I’m assuming that he has no position other thst President’s son?

Oddly the voud of the drained pool is exactly the void Farage fills being the opportunist he is.

Just a shame they font refillbit while he’s in there.

Trying to think who the US equivalent would be.

I think it means Hunter will now win more of the black vote. Or something like that.

Good. The drugs/guns cocktail is a huge blight on US society.

Get ready for „They only found him guilty as a false show of fairness so they can continue going after DT“.

Also, Republicans suddenly very supportive of gun control.



Just for the sake of clarity he was found guilty of lying about his drug usage in order to buy a gun.


Don’t try cleansing it, it was a purchase of a firearm while being a drug addict. It’s a nothing case for the election, by itself it won’t sway one undecided voter.

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“They said, nobody has ever asked that question before.” Shitler thinks ‘them’ saying that doesn’t mean, “We’ve never spoken to anyone as fucking stupid as you before.”. If any of that conversation ever happened, which it didn’t.

Every day. Every day you think you’ve heard the most insane shit imaginable fall out of his brain, and then the next day he blows it out of the fucking water.


Time it’s time to charge him for not paying his taxes!

Why do you have such an interest in his criminal cases? What relevance does it have?

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It gives Butch Taylor-Gangrene an excuse to whip out a photo of Hunter’s cock in congress again I suppose?

After watching this speech, I take it all back. The man is a genius. Even the definitely real MIT student was stunned by his intellect to think of that question.

:us: :us: :us: TRUMP 2024 baby. :us: :us: :us:


Because for someone who pays a shit tonevery year in taxes and if I didn’t pay my taxes, I’d be a felon and locked in prison.

“If the top 800 companies in the US paid their fair share of tax, nobody else would have to pay a cent” - Warren Buffet (last week).


You wouldn’t. Failure to pay taxes in isolation from other crimes very rarely result in criminal prosecution and even more rarely jail time. You would be far more likely simply required to pay them, with penalties and interest, just as Hunter already did 5 years ago. See high profile example here

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But you’re not angry about Trump paying zero taxes for years on end and stiffing the IRS for over $100m. How does that work ?