US Election 2024

A little better here from Joe on healthcare. But man his delivery…it’s like reading a @Flobs post.


You don’t want to be too hasty.

Old age is a bastard.

You have slowed down, but it’s ok because you retain some of your old vim and vigor, and you have a hell of a lot of experience, and you know how to get stuff done.

But then, in the blink of an eye, your productive time has gone, and you really should be seeing out your days sitting in a chair on the porch, hopefully with a loved one by your side, a cool drink in hand, and maybe a dog or two to walk to keep your joints moving.

If anything useful is to come from this debate for the Dems, it should be to galvanize a decisive plan of action to speedily get another nominee in play.

If they fail to do that, watch out, Trump 2.0 is coming.


Sounds more like Cardiff Pete…


To be fair, arguing for strengthening Medicare feels like self interest


At this point I’m the sucker and loser for watching this

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Biden’s closing statement will be the solution to fixing that guy’s phone



So there are quite a few fact checks on X now, so unless you are a loser like me and on X in the middle of the night, the whole idea is about as useful as Robbo’s right foot.


Trump finally says something true…

“We are standing here wasting time on this stage”

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This has now deteriorated to a he hit me first between @SBYM and @Klopptimist

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Ugh, this is a GREAT argument from Trump. People love that he fires people. It seems strong and decisive.


It should probably be mentioned that he hired them in the first place.


I am just waiting for him to turn to Biden with a “you’re fired.”

What are these two even mumbling about now?

I believe the last five minutes have been a series of

“You suck”
“No you suck”

While America says “You both fucking suck”.

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Yeah. A record number of his cabinet openly opposing him HAS to be a central theme of this debate. CNN will get to it eventually in sure


Trump’s answer to opiod addiction was “We bought the certain dog”.


Biden’s only 82? I thought he was way older.

Guess I need to update my youth team profiles to include this young whipper-snapper.

Trump is still bragging about the cognitive tests he passed 6 years ago :joy:


And then you put him next to Mick Jagger at 80

Oh my God they are arguing about their golf handicaps :joy:

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