US Election 2024

That’s a very interesting question. Just think for a second that he does know his history, has been advised and is correct.


Fortunately for the world he doesn’t and he isn’t.

No one would claim the world is in a good place but the idea that nuclear war is closer now than at any point during the Cold War is just intentional scaremongering.


Yeah true, i’m just thinking medically he may not be fully aware of how poorly he comes across at times. I’m sure he knows that his memory is a bit suspect but he maybe completely unaware of how he comes across and his perceptions of things around him.

It’s a good distinction to make, between being President and running for President.

It might be too nuanced for the bulk of the electorate though, who will have just seen a frail old man. I think the debate will have damaged Biden’s prospects of reelection.

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I think it is a lot worse than that - it is damaging to the White House and the Democratic establishment. Either they were all startled at the performance (in which case, their competence comes into question) or they have been dishonest for some time about Biden’s readiness to serve another term. This is essentially a self-inflicted LBJ moment about 3 months later in the campaign.

In presidential history, I think this may end up being seen as a worse episode than the deception around FDR’s health.


I’m going to be pretty mad about all this if Trump gets back onto power. ‘Mad’ because it will be on them for allowing it to happen. They will have fucked things up for the entire free world just because they didn’t get it together to put forward a candidate who wasn’t physically capable of shutting down an evil, lying train wreck who was there for the taking. I hope their fucking kids will forgive them one day :rage:

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How is it bad for the entire whole world? I hope Trump gets elected and starts fixing OUR own problems first. Last night just re confirmed why a lot of my black friends and family will be voting red for the first time.

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I’m going to just say it. You’re a fucking chump. You, and the millions of other half-wits should be careful what you wish for.


Ohhh look, a white liberal calling me dumb bc I am black and can think for myself.

What on earth makes you think he will fix ANY problems for anyone? His previous term was a mess in policy terms even before he crapped the bed with covid. Foreign policy was a shambles, but domestically despite having Senate-House-White House, the Republicans were not able to pass any significant legislation, even without any real Democratic obstruction.


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says the man whose posts are 95% things he’s been duped into repeating. Does it not make you feel anything that you consume content created by people who assume their audience are marks to be exploited?


Matty Y is the most toxic sort of reactionary centrist who seems to take great pleasure at upsetting people with his othersided takes. But even he cannot raise himself to say anything other than his admisntration was an utter failure

Fixed for historical accuracy


It’s not because you are black, it’s because you are going to vote for someone whose policies are to entrench the power of the white oligarchy. Trump has no idea about democracy at all, he is only interested in himself. He will borrow billions to pay for tax breaks for the rich, he will burn up the environment and destroy long term alliances while sucking up to dictators.
Biden and the Democrats may not be perfect, but a second Trump term will be disastrous.


Look, inflation sucks and I dont care what the data says, I am voting based on my experience and that says the Biden economy sucks. So I’m voting for the guy who is going to…um…wreck the economy

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Only one of those statements is true.

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Ok, genuine question. What did you hear from him last night that mapped out an actual solution for anything?

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You are entitled to your opinion, and the forum is better for it IMO, especially if you give your reasoning.

But no one is saying you are dumb because you are black, so you should not go there. That’s not on, and adds an ingredient to the pot that is unwelcome.

By all means, stand your ground and argue your case, but the racism stuff is wide of the mark.



Biden giving quite a spirited speech right now. Where the fuck was that energy last night ?