US Election 2024

As for Trump, he has no inclination whatsoever to fix anyone’s problems but his own. He intends to use the Presidency to enrich himself, cocoon himself with sycophants at all levels, and punish his perceived enemies. All those moves are telegraphed.

He has no vision for anyone or anything beyond himself.


I don’t understand how can anyone, regardless of race, can vote for Trump. The guy is a pandering demagogue, a narcissist, a pathological liar and a fucking idiot. More importantly, he poses a threat not only for America itself, but for the entire world. 4 years in office proved that, but even if someone had been hiding under a rock and missed his tenure, listening him talk for 2 minutes is more than enough to realise what a POS he’s.

I wouldn’t trust him to lead a conga line, let alone the most powerful country in the world.


I feel like I’m in a different reality after listening to the CNN panel after the debate. 6 of them, I assume 3 R and 3D, and all of them said it was a disaster for Biden with regards to alleviating the major concern about him. I don’t think it was a disaster, as this is the Joe that I see, so he was no worse that he normally was imo.
As a person, I feel very uncomfortable receiving sympathy, and even more uncomfortable conveying it, yet for Biden I feel like shit for him having to go through this, and am ashamed of his family. We have all most likely had grandfathers, fathers, etc, that we can relate to when things get to this stage.

The content of the debate matters little, this was not what most tuned in for. Trump lied, Biden lied, Trump lied more, and embellished. You cant really extract meaningful policy from these debates.

As far as Trump goes, not a great debate, yet nothing out of the ordinary. You got what you expected whether you like it or not.

What to do now? I think its been left too late to do anything about it. It was an enormous gamble to begin with. Will it sway independents if you ditch Biden 4 month before the election? Or would it scare them that it would look like desperation?
The next few days will be interesting, and we will know before the Democrat convention what path will be taken.

If Trump gets a jail sentence in a couple of weeks (?) time, it will look even worse for Biden imo, regardless if you think its politicized or not.

The next debate is Sept. 10, not sure if that’s a good thing or bad for either candidate.


I tried that tack Limes and got nothing.

I consider myself an independent voter, no matter what everyone here thinks, and I have no idea who Whitmer and Pritzker are, so they have no name recognition for me. Harris and Newsome are known, and out of the two I would take Newsome. I think someone like Buttigieg should be saved for another election. Sanders would also be a mistake.


Yeah, I saw that panel and was surprised by it as well. My initial thought was it was just a small handful of people and likely not relevant, but Univision had a bigger panel and they were similar and even more accepting of Biden’s performance and negative on Trump in their responses.

I am coming around to the idea that people who see him all the time were taken aback by how much worse he seemed than normal (because that is where I disagree with you…to the people who see him regularly outside of Fox edited footage, he was much worse than normal). But people who don’t are aware of the stories and kind of expected him to be that bad and so just rolled with it.

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Governors of MI and IL respectively. Whitmer has cred because MI is a key swing state that had gone for Trump in 2016 so she showed electoral chops to win the race, and has since had praise how she governed (even in the face of starling levels of MAGA hostility including a kidnapping plot being revealed). Pritzker had an easy job winning, but has shown skills in his ability to communicate messages that connect with the blue collar voter the party needs to win back to win in the midwest.

Both are likely to have strong support in 2028, but the lack of name recognition to anyone but news junkies is probably a problem for their prospects of stepping in now

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Saw a clip of Trump basically mocking Biden not being totally coherent.
Biden clearly has signs of early dementia.
Sums up the man and anyone who supports him.

Very few voters anywhere vote with foreign policy high on their list, but US voters in particular really don’t.

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I’m not saying that the DNC should foist a candidate on the party, but they must plan for the party’s continued success and that includes identifying potential future candidates, surely.
If not them, who?

Whitmer may not be that well known now, but I’ve heard of her! Whoever stepped in would gain name recognition in a couple of weeks with the rapidity of the modern news cycle.

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Just want to comment on the cognitive decline in Biden. He is probably at the stage where he has his good days and bad days, and last night’s debate was clearly a bad day, and I was taken aback as I hadn’t seen him that bad before.

Biden had prepared in multiple sessions at Camp David. It was his chance to come out and hit Trump hard, on any number of things, while looking on top of things.

But it was beyond him to do that. He looked old, frail, mumbly, quiet, getting numbers wrong frequently, while also not finishing his sentence and losing his train of thought several times.

I cannot offer a qualified medical opinion, but I suspect further decline from this point on will be rapid. Had he managed to hang on to better health for a few more months, it would have been fine, as presumably the election would have been won and then it’s an internal switch to the VP within the second term.

I think the Dems will now lose, and it will be awful for the prospects of the country, and world, to have to suffer another Trump Presidency. If the Dems do not find a way to push Biden hard to step down, it will be negligent and then some.

It’s a fine line between having name recognition and plenty of experience to then, all of a sudden, being past it, to the point of being in danger of damaging your legacy and the Party.

Last night, for me, showed me what side of that line we are on.

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Please, please replace the second debate with a 72-hole golf challenge

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I think folks are overreacting as dems are wont to anyways…
On the performative side he was bad. On the substance, he clearly separated himself from the clown show…

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I’m not either of them could walk that distance and survive… oh wait

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We are not lacking for people on the look out for politicians with presidential potential so they can be guided and career managed. DC is full of littlefinger like parasites on the hunt for the next rising star to attach themselves to. But presidential politics is such an individualized thing it doesn’t make sense, too many interests to balance, to have a centralized incubator for them. So it’s left for the prospects to scope out support from influential people in the party to see if makes sense to run. Sometimes you end up with a lot of people, but if there is a heavyweight who has already gained a lot of support of party big wigs most will choose to sit it out out of self-preservation. Compare the names who put themselves forward in 2020 compared to 2016 when Hillary was known to be running for an example of this effect. I think that is about as close as you can get to a centralized organization of potential candidates.

For as vulnerable as Biden looked to a challenge this year, a meaningful primary challenge for a president is generally toxic to their general election challenge even if they win it. There were surely people tempted, but no one wanted the reputational damage within the party for being the person who exposed Biden to a primary challenge, lost, and then saw Trump beat a damaged Biden in the general. We’ll see now if anyone thinks the landscape has changed enough to call for him to step aside. I doubt it. but we’ll see.

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Mark Hamill or Oprah would be my choices.

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If Buttiegieg was up against Trump in that debate, he would have owned him. Trump would have looked uninformed and very old. But I’m not sure America is ready for a Buttiegieg Presidency just yet.

The more I’ve read and thought about this, the Dems really do need to decouple from Biden. I’m hoping this weekend might be the time for some home truths, to seed the charting of a new course.


This is the President the US needs