US Election 2024

I think it’s too late to make a change that is successful.

If it’s independents and swing states that are going to decide the election, then you have to convince them in 4 months why you have been deceitful to them about Biden for 2 years, and have been outright lying to them over the past 3 months. You have to convince people that you weren’t willing to put an unfit individual into them most important job in the country. The horse has bolted (hobbled).

I just don’t know, this should have been done 2 years ago before he said he was running, there were lots of democratic analysts that saw this coming. If it can be done now, then it could have been done then.

Simple explanation. He aged fast.

Plus lying isn’t a problem these days. See Trump.

That’s the over extrapolation I am talking about.

The “IT” here is Biden electing to step down. There is nothing about him coming out and saying “I wanted to finish the work I started, but I have heard your concerns. This job is too important to do while trying to convince you of my competency to do it so Im going to concentrate on finishing my term and leaving the office in as good a position as it can be for Kamala to continue our work.”

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I don’t know enough about the US electoral system, but see that Michele Obama is trending as the likely alternative

Is that even possible?

No. Total fan fiction, not least because she has been clear about hating politics and having no interest in running for any office herself


ironically, thats probably what it will take for us (voters in in any country) to get a politician we finally can belive in who would work in our best interests and looking from the outside in, i think thats why Trump got in in the first place…‘hes not one of them’ type thing


Its a common story among the far-right that she’s lined up to come in. Really stokes the fear in them that that sode of the political spectrum lives on.


Well that’s even worse, as Trump has been branded a liar so you know what to expect, while Biden and advisors have given the impression of being truthful, and now have been shown to be lying. I understand from a pov that they are supposed to stickup for their candidate and say he is fine, however it’s now egg on the face scenario. I preferred the old excuse, it just Joe being Joe.

I’m a Biden fan and of course he has been old and frail, but what I just saw was worse again.

I don’t think anyone has been lying, more a case of the deterioration just took a very noticeable step.

I think we are in a phase of more rapid decline now, and hanging on with Joe is not the right move. I hope his wife talks him round and he bows out.


Spin doctors out in full force

Shouldn’t one’s career end when one is 8 thousand years old?

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That’s ageism.

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I’m an ist, what can I say?

The first polling data post debate.

The Dems are caught between a rock and a hard place, and it never should have got here.

Trump should have been dead and buried, politically, on several occasions.

The Republicans want power above all else. There is no moral compass or principled leadership.

I do not recognize the GOP any more. Any ‘normal’ ones have been booted out and it is now a cult of Trump.

All bets are off as to where this leads.


I started watching Sam Seder in 2015.

I reckon I’m gonna need him again in 2024…

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The best part of that is the top comment being that Biden should use the ruling as an opportunity to take out Trump.

Yes please.


Imagine if it was Biden who had planned a coup and incited a mob to attack the Capitol. Would Alito , Thomas , Roberts et al have given him partial immunity ?


Bannon claims he’s raising an army to fight the election if it doesn’t go their way.
I can’t imagine what the US will look like a year from now.