US Election 2024

A double dumpster fire instead of a single one like now?

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I mean seeing how Billy-Bob with his imitation AR-15 gets on against fully armed and actually trained US Marines would be an entertaining watch.

This is the biggest irony about the whole second amendment thing. It came about when there was a genuine fear of rogue government potentially forming, and the idea was a well regulated militia could form to overcome the government and restore order.

What sort of world do this eejits think they are living in now?

But the galling thing is they can do enormous damage to government facilities and buildings, and civilians who work for the government in numerous departments.

They cannot, of course, do anything against the military, as they are massively outgunned and out trained. But it won’t be that sort of warfare. It will be an army of Timothy McVeigh’s doing those sort of acts.

Aided and abetted by the Supreme Court.


It would be naive to think that the military isn’t already heavily infiltrated by Maga supporters.
It’s not known as a hot bed of liberalism.


The Lone Wolf theory of Right Wing nationalist terrorism was the dominant framing for 30 years, but it was a purposeful fabrication pushed by the those who didnt want the organized nature of it to be properly understood and advanced by an overly compliant media. The last 10 years or so has seen a popular reframing of it to present it more honestly. I havent listened to S2 yet, but S1 was a great primer for identifying the connective thread from Waco, through OKC, and all the way to MAGA

Yeah, the argument makes no sense. Their perception of him was that he was too far gone to be able to perform, so lied to everyone about it for months…then put him out there to debate anyway? What is the end game there?

Despite claims to the contrary, we’ve seen plenty of Biden recently where he has been competent and cogent, but that night he was not. We can debate the likely reasons why not, but I think even the best case scenario (that he was tired from the extent of recent foreign travel and simply not capable on that specific night of dealing the unique challenge of debating a firehose of lies) is a reality detrimental to his cause. More important though is their response. The right response would have answered that previous question in ways that diminish the importance of it…do a succession of public appearances where you face questions that allow you to say the things you failed to say in the debate and put a different image in people’s mind. Instead they continue to do limited appearances under controlled circumstances that aren’t enough to convince doubters. Then they have focused their messaging on attacking the press for covering how bad he was and the disloyalty of political allies who have raised the prospect of him standing aside. The contrast with how forcibly they are prosecuting those fights vs those they are taking to Trump or the rogue supreme court actively involved in helping trump win is, IMO, disqualifying at this point.

They had a theory of the case for why running again was justified (he has a good record and he is still strong enough to articulate that to the public). With each day since the debate they are showing us that it was not correct and they are not showing any of those doubters reasons to get on board, they are just demanding MAGA type loyalty tests. Further to that, it is genuinely concerning how many people who don’t want Trump to win are getting on board with helping to enforce those loyalty tests.


Essentially this…

It feels like they once, for a short period in the 2020 cycle, where able to say “you underestimated us” and now have internalized that as their defining world view to refuse to engage with any criticisms or concerns, even from stakeholders in their success who have legitimate questions and concerns.

This is probably the biggest call yet for Biden to step aside. While he doesnt have any official position anymore, he is a 20 year vet of the House with party leadership credentials (albeit minor credentials, but was in the running to be Hillary’s VP in 2016)

People with more influence and stature have raised concerns, but I think he is the biggest name in Dem politics to explicitly state Biden should step down.


Much softer language, but likely more significant than Ryan’s comments. With Clyburn being Kingmaker for Biden in 2020, this seems like the first step of organizing support for a change.

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Waiting for Clyburn to back Pelosi as the replacement

She isn’t senile enough to stand.

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If you want the job, just tell me


Harris vs Trump would be watchable, just to see how long it takes for him to out himself as the racist he is.

I’m guessing he already has form with regards to Harris?

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@Sweeting go find your boy and give him a slap


Anyone who laughs at this as much as I did I feel deeply sorry for and recommend you improve your media diet :joy:


As long as Dr Jill is okay, we’re fine. Carry on.

I bet that’s a good article.


It’s also horribly late and smacks of a party willing to apply pressure publicly. Hopefully.

A series of bad polls that counter Biden’s main argument for staying in, that he is supposedly the best positioned to beat Trump.

A new CNN poll shows a list of named candidates now do better in head to head against Trump than he does

Now this has been leaked from their internal polling showing that post debate a Biden ticket is closer to losing strong blue states than they are to winning tipping states like PA

and again, that every alterative polled does better despite none of them having done any campaigning

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Do you think they will be swayed by polling LS?