US Election 2024

I only laugh because I learnt a few days ago what this was about. The kids these days. Makes me nauseous to think of it in Hillary’s voice.

Harris has closed the gap if that is accurate.

A few people are starting to talk more openly. I don’t think it is going away, and my hope is Biden will step down soon. Bring it on.

Let’s have an open democratic process and crown the winner at the convention. They all must play nicely, and doff their cap toward Biden, who has done a good job as President, but age has caught up with him.

My guess would be:

  1. Harris
  2. Newsom
  3. Buttiegieg
  4. Whitmer

Hard to know really, but it feels to me like it would be replacing certain defeat with having a chance again, and if momentum galvanized around the chosen candidate, it might given them a very good chance to win as a lot of people simply don’t want Trump, but it is on the Dems to put up a credible alternate. Biden has slid past that now.


He’s a Democrat who wins in Maine’s deeply Republican 2nd district. This is playing to the gallery.


It’s also a play on Hillary’s most cringe moment of the 2016 cycle where in trying to connect to the youth crowd told them to “pokeman go to the polls and vote”

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The Biden team is working hard to keep out all things it doesn’t want to hear so I dont think this would directly sway them. But this is the sort of polling that is likely to make people outside of the inner circle but who have some influence go to him for a conversation. I dont think Obama has the pull in that regard that people think he has (they expected full throated support for a 2016 run and instead he privately counselled him to sit it out and properly grieve Beau’s death and that created a real rift in the relationship). Maybe Ron Klain. Maybe Clyburn. I’m not sure there are too many other people.

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Biden telling donors his brutal foreign travel schedule prior to the debate led to fatigue and sleepiness during the debate.

We’re back!

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That’s not the reassurance he thinks it is.

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It was a known risk spoken about in the lead up to the debate with G7 meetings in europe happening right after the D Day events. But critically, those were commitments he had as part of doing the job. Like you say, it is an admission not an excuse.

An admission would assume it’s the truth. Just last week, the excuse was a cold.

I have always thought from the begging of this thread that this is going to be a republican win, and that was before I knew who the candidate was. I knew Biden was running for reelection at that stage.

I would personally throw Biden or Harris under the bus as its too late now, so take the loss. The democrats must not throw someone like Pete into this mess because it will fuck up any chance he has to become president one day. I don’t think Harris has a chance now or in the future, so it doesn’t matter with her, and Biden/Family will have zero influence over the dems once he leaves office.

One thing that does need to happen, is that a decision must be made and made now. The longer it goes on, the worse it is going to be, and the stench will hover around the party for a while. Either support Biden 100%, or if you cant, then make sure you can get rid of him before you make your position know. The division in the democrat party right now is like music to the ear of any republican, or a major concern to any independent.

Say what you like about republicans, but when the chips were down, all of them got behind Trump, and maybe not all endorsed him, but they definitely said they would vote for him (Haley and Pence). Even the whale donors that were behind other candidates rallied behind Trump.

This has been a problem in the making since day one, and its 100% on the shoulders of the dnc/donors. It was a huge gamble, and for the life of me I have no idea why it needed to be made. Maybe everyone told Biden he was a 1 term president and he forgot :rofl:

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The most self-serving individuals on any candidates inner circle. Yes “men” that know they don’t have jobs if their guy is no longer running.

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I will say what I want about the Republicans, thank you for the invitation!

Rallying around Trump is not a show of strength or unity. It is a show of weakness as he has remade the party in his image. So many weak men and women have allowed him to, at all levels. Disaster for the country looms if he is made President. Numerous holocaust survivors are likening it to 1930 Germany, and I think it is a fair shout.

We now have authoritarianism, at the least, and it may give way to fascism if he is in power again. Lots of the markers are already there.

America is walking blindly into grave danger.

It’s clear Biden is past it. If he doesn’t bow out that will be a great shame, as defeat with him at the helm seems certain. I am hoping he will, and a quick, clean process runs its course so the new candidate is announced at the convention.

Numerous people can make a very clear and forthright case to the American people, better than Biden can, and I feel it must be unleashed to have a chance.

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I think America is walking into suicidal danger if they reelect Biden, and expect him to last till he is 86yo. America does not have authoritarianism or fascism, no matter who is in power. Trump was in power for 4 years and none of that came to fruition. It pandering and fear-mongering, nothing more. Chicken little, the sky is falling, type stuff.


Please turn 35 asap, AOC


Fascism, yet?

For me, no. But many people who lived through it are sounding the alarm, and in an academic sense, several of the markers are there.

Authoritarianism under Trump? Heck yes. It’s not even debatable.


In the last 4 years, many more have been found corrupt all the way up to the Supreme Court. They are motivated to put in place a ruling class that protects and pardons them.

The old MAGA “I believe everything Trump says but I ignore all the other stuff because he’s just such an adorable kidder” is no longer just noise. It’s cover for what they all desperately need, be it wealth, power, or staying out of jail. It’s very difficult to dismiss the Supreme Court’s decisions, Trump’s crimes, Trump’s cronies in or headed to jail, the cult in Congress in isolation and as nothing to see here.

Completely agree with @RedOverTheWater. Whistling past the graveyard is not an option. It’s what got us here.

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Used to be that America did not have much of an issue with orderly transition of power, and that is out the window. Consider that in 1861, Lincoln’s election was so problematic that it led directly to the outbreak of the Civil War, but there was no effort to bar his accession nor contest the legitimacy of it. What happened in January 2021 was unprecedented, and yet there have been minimal consequences. Republics don’t come back from that kind of damage very easily. Trump may not be Caesar, but he isn’t just the Gracchi either. Something has broken.


I beg you, read something


This is untenable

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