US Election 2024

People didn’t realise that even in 2021, and haven’t tried fixing in the last three freaking years. :man_facepalming:


Here it is , free to read ;


Many people have realized it, but what has broken is not something that can be fixed in three years. Americans have taken great pride in their constitution, holding it up as a written embodiment of a uniquely ideal governing system with carefully crafted balances. It turns out that it is far more vulnerable to underlying norms and shared understandings than they ever believed, every bit as much so as the Westminster systems. The Republicans have been playing at the margins of those norms for more than a generation, steadily weakening them while invoking them when convenient. Those norms and shared understandings have now all but collapsed, leading to phenomena such as a Supreme Court majority that does not actually believe in the rule of law.


It’s difficult to see how the equilibrium of US democracy is restored without major conflict and upheaval.


Biden has got an interview with George Stephanopolous on Friday and a press conference next week. Any further missteps in either of those could spell the end.

Free to read :

Trump will win, might have mentioned that :slight_smile:

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I wonder if a simple uk analogy is the erosion of the uk parliamentary system which was essentially built on a system whereby members are considered trustworthy and honest.

That’s been eroded over the years and more recently, completely destroyed.


You should really start your own tv show as a political pundit. I wouldn’t watch, but I’m sure tens of others would dial in.


I think it’s even worse. As @Arminius said, it’s the loss of judicial integrity at the highest level that is the ultimate issue.


Yeah, connecting the judicial system and politics is always going to end badly.

Of course we also have the farce of the House of Lords and trying to remove ourselves from the ECHR.

We do try to keep up in our own little island way.


The problem with judges is that there are three potential ways for judges to be appointed - by politicians, by the electorate, and by other judges - and they are all susceptible to political capture by the sort of approaches the GOP have spent 30 years working on.

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Things have deteriorated in the last three years. It’s scary where USA will be in another three years.


Would you be happy with that outcome?

Bidens gaffes and age have been treated by the dems and media the same was Hunters laptop was handled. Deny, deny, deny, until the evidence is so obvious to everybody, then tell the truth and become ethical reporters, and report, report, report.

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Whachu talking about ethics?

I don’t know what about 2021 you think is the start of this. Trump’s presence in our civic life, going back to 2012 when he was the main booster of the disgusting Obama birther conspiracy, has been a long series of undermining of the unstated agreements our public life was built on and was, in retrospect, required for our government to function.


Anyone who refers to it as the “Hunter Biden laptop” as an issue demonstrates they don’t know what they are talking about. Prove me wrong and explain what you think the scandal of “laptop” was.


As an outsider, not my choice. As a citizen of the world, I’d far rather have Have Trump in charge than a guy who literally doesn’t know where he is, what he’s talking about, his brief, world leaders, pertinent facts and could at any chance fall asleep on the big red button. Put it like this, in an election between Trump and Corbyn, I’d vote for Corbyn. At least he knows what day it is. Biden is IMHO far more dangerous. It’s ludicrous to be in a situation where one candidate has a more worrying mental state than Trump.



In what possible way is Trump less of a threat to world politics than Biden?


Would Trump be supplying weapons to a country at war with another country that has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world?