US Election 2024

Because they’ve leased the island to the US. I don’t think either the US or UK should be proudly defending their rights to this island based on this write up in the article…

True, but the fact that US are preventing UK law being followed on UK soil, in this instance the US can fuck off.

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“UK soil”

Like Wiltshire you mean?

It is British Oversea Territory, so classed as British soil under international law.

How do you think the US would react if the someone prevented the US Supreme Court sitting in Guam or Puerto Rico?


Surely symbolism for another much-needed retirement

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So the UK and US basically ignored UN and do whatever shit they wanted, pretty much like alot of dictatorships they accused others of?

And what’s the UN for actually? Nobody actually gives a shit about their advisories, opinions, rulings etc…

The UK started negotiations with Mauritius, with regards to returning the BIOC islands, following the ruling by the UN’s International Court of Justice. A step that was probably unlikely without the UN’s intervention. Reportedly negotiations are set to conclude at some point later this year and then we’ll find out what the UK and US plan to do with it.

I think there is little doubt that the US will refuse any negotiation that doesn’t maintain their independent control of the Air Force base but if all parties agree to that I could see the UK giving the islands back. The particular island in question in the article - Diego Garcia - has no population at all outside of the military members on the base so that process while complex, due to the presence of the military and Diego Garcia’s strategic location, is probably little more than an administrative one and it’s difficult to think of a good reason why the UK would allow themselves the PR defeat of ignoring the UN if the only thing that really changes is the order of flags flown outside Diego Carlos AFB.

This is the problem Biden faces now

Since the debate Biden has done nothing but tell people he still has his fast ball, but he wont throw it. If people saw the campaign from him that was capable of winning a very winnable election they would get off his back, but as he is not doing that no matter how many times he says he is staying in people will continue to treat it as an open question.

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This is from an interview with the Executive Editor of the NYT, someone who has long faced criticism of the general lack of seriousness of their Trump coverage. They are positively giddy at the prospect of increased interest in coverage of a Trump administration


Head of the company that owns CNN - Doesnt matter who wins as long as the guy enabling the collapse of the administrative state that imposes trivial regulations on us wins and the guy who has tried to oppose corporate consolidation doesnt. Other than that, we are completely agnostic.



What was that about at the NATO conference where biden says " I realise I was fucking your wife"

He clearly didn’t say that. He said ‘I was talking to your wife’.

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Yeah agree with your point, but I wouldn’t say clearly …has this been doctored ?

From Fox News stream, go to around 12:15

I genuinely don’t understand, how anyone can understand anything different there.

That link froze for me before the time but just watched it on ABC news and it does sound like what they claim😂.

But other than that he did seem to be fairly coherent

Is this one of those blue dress / gold dress things? Genuinely don’t get it.


Think we can agree he does say talking , but to me it does sound like he’s saying fucking…which would have been hilarious :joy:

Biden should step down. This is an election the Democrats can win. But I don’t think they can with Biden. The cognitive decline is just too much. Polling consistently has shown that the American public thinks he’s too old. I see in Biden what I see in my mother, who is also in her 80s. They don’t have dementia, but the ability to process information and articulate thoughts is definitely on the down slide. And it isn’t going to get better.

People don’t want Trump either. With a “normal” Republican candidate, this would be a blowout. But just like Lula in Brazil, people will elect a convicted criminal if they think the other guy is not up to the job.