US Election 2024

Ok, scenario one - hang tough, have power and influence while putting out fires for four more months followed by devastating defeat and a place in history as part of that disaster.
Scenario two - concede gracefully, see out the rest of the presidency as a highly respected, if somewhat tragic, figure. Go down in history as an upright and honourable person who heroically sacrificed for your country. Spend the rest of your life feted at home and abroad.


You don’t have to persuade me, I agree, someone has to persuade the Biden bubble.

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I know, but there’s an outside chance one of them is a passionate kopite :wink:


In 2008 he once famously introduced Obama as Barak America.


If only that had been his real name.

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Did Barack come out with this entrance music aka Hulk Hogan


Spot on,he could walk away gracefully,or hang on and face a possible catastrophic loss,which wouldn’t do anyone any good,most of all sadly,himself.
Just looking at John’s column and some of the bizarre responses,the classic is doubtless that “Trump does not invent his own reality”.
What a crock of shit!The Prince of Liars,writ large.

Problem is that the Bidens most likely have an inflated perception of how much of a chance they have to turn this around and keep their power, influence and relevance. Vs a 100% chance of losing all that, if he were to step down (as a candidate).
They might also genuinely believe they are the only ones that can beat Trump.

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Hasn’t he been known his entire career to make mistakes like this?


I vote for this guy


They are in full poll denial mode. It’s one thing to warn of over reaction to seemingly bad polls this far out. But they are outright making shit up at least in their public statements.

“Oh you counted me out in 2020 because of the polls and look how that turned out”
“Remember the red wave the polls predicted in 2022…we told you that was wrong as well. When are you going to start believing us?”

Both are just bollocks. Biden ran ahead of Trump in the GE polls throughout the entire campaign, and even in the primaries it was his good polling that kept him a viable candidate even after bombing out of the first two contests. As for the red wave, the polls never predicted it. It only became a narrative because there were so many people out there (motivated to create a narrative or Republican popularity) telling people to ignore the polls because they had some super secret information that the polls werent picking up.

There is just a real lack of seriousness being shown by the campaign and its surrogates right now.


Very much so. Biden last night was pretty much the best case argument being made for him for this campaign - ignoring the optics he was good on the details but has aged enough that the optics are a challenge and still liable to make these characteristics gaffs he’s always made. But optics have long been a key part of presidential campaigns that you cannot just hand wave away. If this was the best version of current Biden and he still comes away with a sizeable portion of the audience viewing it as evidence he cannot do the job then that shows the seriousness of the situation he is in, and the one he has put the rest of us in.

Moral of the story: when someone who has been in office for 50 years says he is a 1-term bridge, don’t believe him.


With the news I read, Trump is definitely not free to be a rambling nutcase without being called out constantly, his lies are constantly highlighted. The difference now is that Biden has more severe issues that are taking up the spotlight, and guess what folks, he also lies.


The Biden lying reminds me of “But Brutus is an honorable man.”

Having said that, the Trump lying is called out but fully accepted by his party as it gives them cover to do whatever the hideous project 2025-ish agenda dictates. So there are lies and there are insidious lies.

Biden is a garden variety liar. He will massage things or put them in a favorable light, the same as all politicians.

Trump is a completely different beast. He is an established pathological liar, and the quantity of lies is now in the tens of thousands - I can’t be bothered to find a link, but someone, or more, has been tracking it.

Still, the issue in hand is Biden has to step down, or Trump will be President. If another Democrat candidate emerges, then at least there will be a fight, and who knows, with momentum it might have a chance.

As for Jill Biden, I don’t see anything too nefarious there. I genuinely believe she is just supporting her husband, and the framework, at least until now, has surely been, “He beat Trump once, he will do it again.”

That calculus is gravely mistaken, and the amount of people breaking rank with Biden - presumably the trickle will become a torrent - will surely result in change.

If it does, Biden bows out a hero. Old age got him in the end. There is something very human about that, as we all recognize our own mortality.

If he fights on, and presumably loses, Biden will go down in history as a selfish man, or worse, who was largely responsible for enabling whatever Trump goes on to do in his second term.

I think Biden will step down, and there is more going on behind the scenes than we know about. I suspect that what is going on behind the scenes is the mechanism for how a new candidate will be selected - straight to the VP, or a more open contest? And who gets in? What are the rules on mud-slinging? Basically, they will want to run a professional, quick, open, and fair contest, while also looking dignified about it.

I suspect establishing how that is going to be done is what is being negotiated, before Biden bows out.

I could of course be completely wrong, and the old dog is going to stay.


Hope you’re right.

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Nice post as always. The only thing I would disagree with is writing off Biden’s lies as garden variety. There have been plenty of that ilk, but plenty of more insidious ones too. It’s just he is given cover for his lies with an aura of decency that isn’t entirely justified.


Fair enough, there might be a bit more to Biden’s lying than I said, but at that point, I would want to make sure the very large gap between Biden’s lies and Trump’s lies, is seen.


The precedent of Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t helpful here. She ignored the conventional wisdom, probably for her own sense of importance, and is now seldom spoken about in direct terms of the consequences of that decision.