US Election 2024


That was incredibly damaging. If sheā€™d resigned on time the SC would be 5-4 instead of 6-3.
Sheā€™s lauded, rightly, for her achievements, but her legacy will always be tarnished.
This situation is horribly similar.

Desperation stuff from people. We all know they both make mistake, yet to compare the two as if they are even close to equal in this regard, is futile. Its pointless trying to deflect from Biden by pointing to Trump, its day and night in perception of cognitive and physical ability.

Correct. I donā€™t think even Biden is gone enough to get his own wifeā€™s name wrong.


As a black man born and raised in south Chicago and life long democrat, this is the first year Iā€™ll be voting red. Is Trump my favorite choice, no. Iā€™d love to see someone like Vivek be the republican candidate.

Someone earlier said all Trump supporters and voters are fascist. Wonder if I am now a fascist and a threat to democracy. :roll_eyes:

Got a feeling the wars are about to escalate within the next couple of months due to the elections here in the states. Hopefully Iā€™m wrong. I see that blinken confirmed F16s are on their way to Ukraine.

One talks to dead people, but once again, its not a competition.

Sotomayor should watch it, too. Nowhere near the age of RBG, but her health isnā€™t good. If Trump wins the next election, itā€™s not difficult to imagine a 7-2 Supreme Court if Sotomayorā€™s health worsens. Ugh.

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Same as the lie thing above, when you argued they both lie.

Itā€™s day and night.

I donā€™t think you are a fascist, but if you vote for Trump I do firmly believe you will vote for an authoritarian with fascist tendencies.

Thatā€™s to say nothing of the awful character of the charlatan. Just limiting the observation to the danger of fascism.


There is this

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Anyone who votes for Trunp has been conned despite overwhelming evidence and deserves any derision they receive.

He cares not one jot for anyone other than himself. His only thought is the grift, any benefit that anyone else feels will be purely accidental.

And of course, alongside the above is the very worst of humanity that follows in his wake like parasites that thrive in shit. Trump enables cruelty and greed on a scale that should make anyone with half a brain in their head feel sick.

I hope he gets arse cancer and dies a painful death. He is indefensible as a human being, let alone as a POTUS, but here we are.


The longer this election goes, the dumber Iā€™m feeling. Thatā€™s not what youā€™re looking for in an election.

I feel like that in every game day thread where weā€™re not 4-0 up at HT.


Itā€™s an election. It is literally a competition for votes.

As for Trump not talking to dead people, he claimed that Joan Rivers voted for him. Joan Rivers died in 2015. Iā€™m sure that wont be considered relevant though.

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While I agree that Biden is now problematic, Im not sure his policies are have been.

With regards to Trump be very careful what you vote for. The UK followed a similar route in 2019 in voting for Johnson. He delivered nothing to very little and sent the uk to the precipice from which Truss then pushed us.

Cameron was the real snake oil salesman though. 2010 he promised a raft of policies which he pulled back from and set the country on a path to crumbling.

Trump is far far worse than these. They are extreme right wing but through gold lined promises they poach votes from the sensible centre ground and never deliver other than to their silent paymasters and donors.


Daily mail reporting shots fired at trump

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well this will blowoverā€¦

The libs or CIA is starting something that they better be careful for. The rural area will dominate the city people.