Virgil VAN DIJK: 2020/21

Zaniolo picked up his 2nd injury on his other knee following a collision.

That’s just bad luck over early return from injury? Bit like Djib breaking both his legs, one after another.


It seems that “bad luck” regularly hits on the “good” leg when you rush back too quickly after that injury. Over compensation maybe? The history of players that have come back from that injury within 6 months is overwhelmingly full of follow on injuries that seem “unrelated” to the other leg (mostly) and other areas of the injured leg. It seems quite close to a career ender to come back quicker than 6 months even though that injury itself doesn’t reoccur. If you click on the tweet there are some examples in the replies, makes for real worrying reading.


Basically we shouldn’t get too excited about images of Van Dijk on the pitch kicking a ball about etc. I understand that’s quite normal.

It’s the turning, acceleration, shifting your weight that comes later.

I still think we’re not going to see Virg before next season, and I’ve made my peace with that.


I don’t expect Virgil to be rushed back by our medical department, regardless of what’s happened to other players at other clubs. Anything different would be negligent in my book, and I’d like to hope that we are one of the best in the world when it comes to player care and rehab.

I suspect there are probably cases were it’s bad luck, and cases where it’s due to over compensation.


Yeah let’s not rush this just so the Dutch can destroy his pre season


He speaks for me!


Lol likewise! I’ve never in my life taken personally an injury to a professional athlete as such I have with Virgil. I still cannot bring myself to watch the replays of the incident.

And for the record, I love seeing this positive photos and videos of his rehabilitation, but I do NOT at all want him back playing this season. I want the Big Man to take his time and do this right. We will wait for him as long as we have to!

EDIT: and that Tweet is hilarious!! :joy:


If he comes back before the end of the season, the Netherlands will select him for the Euros and completely fuck him up. He will need a proper pre season to aid his recovery.


Million to one he’s back this year.

Even when physically ready, you can’t expect an immediate return to worlds best. Anyone on here who has had surgery and long stints on the sideline knows it’s the mental challenge that is just as problematic. It’s one thing to run and kick but putting the body on the line, twisting, jumping etc can result in some self doubt in the early return days.

May he be back better than ever though. It doesn’t sound as bad as Ox’s and let’s face it, Ox hasn’t been the same.

All the injuries seem so secretive. Would like to know more.


They will anyhow, if he is fit they will call him up, it will require their doctors to say he isn’t for him not to go.


Where would Liverpool stand on that?

Could they say no as we feel he isn’t ready?

Or does the Dutch fa have a final say?


Not to mention Virg himself will want to play for Hollandland.


From what I’ve seen, no, and as Paul says he will probably want to play.

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I had nose surgery and was breathing through it a couple of days later.

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Virg is doing some sparring for his next meeting with Everton.


Hope he is slipping him Flapper Rex’s address


Is that an admission we aren’t getting a centre half?

Throwing a bone?

Or just innocently unrelated

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Nah article suggests he is still actively searching, doubt we will be in a title race if we don’t, don’t think we will if we do but I think top 4 will be a lot more hopeful.

April is no good regardless.


I’m wondering if he will be registered for PL and CL for the second part of the season now that we signed two players.