Wataru ENDO: 2023/24


Looking like an absolute steal. 2 more years of him please





Now that he’s settling in, you can really see what he brings to this team. Cool calm head, willing to press and work hard, without taking on daft risky passes, and knows when to break play up with one of those nice guy fouls.

That pass over the top yesterday (as posted by @The-AllMightyReds) was sublime, along with a few of his other passes, particularly through the lines. And he had that high press to create a big chance too.

I think Endo and Macca have got to grips with one and other now too - less ending up in the same space at the same time. Now they cover one and other, and understand one and others movements. The more space Macca gets, the better we are.


That pass deserved a goal.

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I guess this video will be presumably blocked soon



What an absolute diamond Jorg has found us, sensational performance today.


11 Caciedo’s


Who would have thought that a £16m ‘panic buy’ would become the signing of the season? Phenomenal player, and incredible run he is on.

Having said that, I’ve noticed he tends to start games slowly, and will spend the first 15-20min finding his feet.


How good are our 2 pitbulls in the centre of the park, Endo & Macca, they work so hard and are always snapping at the oppositions heels and then in possession both are so calm.

Then we have Harvey who is stepping it up and lets not forget Szobo, just whets the appetite for what’s to come.

For me this has the makings and is possibly better than our title winning midfield as they have more strings to their bow


He or We?

That’s just wrong. 11 dumbass equals just dumbass, not even a lesser dumbass.

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Harper Dumb Ass GIF by chescaleigh

thrice the player of Enzo / Caicedo and Lavia combined.

How things have changed from the start of the season, when so many people on this forum (and elsewhere) were labelling him “not good enough” before he had even settled in.

The moral of the story? Give players a chance before you slag them off.


Good luck with that.

Further proof that posting in “Reliable transfer rumours” and “Who would you buy” threads should be made punishable by flogging.

I rarely even browse them, but some of the shit chatted about this lad before he’d even kicked a ball was cringeworthy.

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He’ll usually have a quiet 15-20, almost anonymous, almost like he’s quietly working the game out. At some point later in the first half he’ll suddenly get a grip of it and be absolutely colossal.

You are not a fun person :blush:

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A great game again by Endo. Who would have expected such a great return from him? I certainly didn’t.