Wataru ENDO: 2023/24



Said goodbye to his former teammates today.

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Any young promising Stuttgart player ?

AgentEndo can be of use.

WTF is this one hand in the pocket half hug shit!

Footballers (though not only players) always seem so happy to bump into each other, suddenly theyā€™re all brothers and shit but then instead of looking at a person in the eyes, they scan the mid and lower section.

ā€œHow are you?ā€, while looking at your clothes, physical shape, shoes you went for that day, etc.

:joy: :man_facepalming:t2:

  • Hiroki Ito would be a very good 4th choice CB for us.

  • if we try to ā€˜replaceā€™ Salah with two new signings Iā€™d take Silas in a heartbeat as the second cheaper option. He gives defenders nightmares regularly.

  • definitely expecting Serhou Guirassy to sign for a PL club next year and Enzo Millot to follow.

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Did he have a knock today?

For a guy who was really, really needed according to Klopp he does not play much ā€¦

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maybe heā€™s been bedded in slowly like Robbo was

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Or maybe he is being saved for the LASK match? Its not like ee have 35 midfielders like Chelsea

Edit: For his experience it wouldnā€™t be too much to ask for him to anchor the midfield in the next game


Or Fabinho for that matter. He was on the periphery for a good couple of months after he signed.


Well at least heā€™s played more than Melo :rofl:

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Itā€™s been a few weeks, with an international break in between. Klopp said that thereā€™s work to do, because whatā€™s been asked from him at Stuttgart is a lot different to what we do here. In the end, a player coming from that level, being in his 30ā€™s, maybe some truths come out in training (in terms of not really being up to the level needed). Early days still, give it more time and weā€™ll see how much he can help us this season and if heā€™s a player to keep for more than that.


Robertson took several months before playing regularly, and he had Moreno to replace. We have played just five games, there are 50+ to go.

Moreno probably played some of his best football for the club after Robertsonā€™s arrival until his injury.


We were without Trent, Vvd, and Ibou already and I guess Klopp didnā€™t want to do without Alexis too. Heā€™s been out DM so far this season and the results have been good with him.

Not sure about EL but Iā€™m totally expecting Alexis in that role in the league as long as the results are coming in.

This has nothing to do with Endo. Itā€™s the search for consistency. Something we lacked last season for various reasons.


Iā€™m not surprised that Endo is on the bench.

As is typical, Klopp is going with guys who know his system best - in order to breed consistency (as some have said), etc. - unless his hand is forced (e.g., injuries, excessive tiredness, etc.).

Endo didnā€™t have preseason with us and clearly didnā€™t know the team tactics when he made his sub appearances. He made a very admirable individual performance in those appearances but this is a team game.

Endo was also away on international duties so didnā€™t have the opportunity to bed in and train. But as games pile up, Iā€™m expecting to see more of him.


Lots of beating around the bush. He isnā€™t playing because the other players are better.

Had Endo played half as shit as Mac in that role yesterday, he wouldā€™ve been crucified on here.


Probably, but people interpret things in the context of what they already know. We know Mac is an excellent player and most probably felt uneasy about him even playing yesterday and were worried about exactly that sort half asleep performance from him. But in seeing it we know that isnt who he is so we reasonably wave it off and put the blame on Klopp for picking him. We know nothing about Endo other than at 30 he has a pedigree that doesnt scream he is capable of playing at this level. Shit performances from him out the gate are of course going to be viewed more pesimisticly.