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That’s great feedback.

That’s sounds like a fundamental issue. First thoughts is perhaps related to comparability with different systems/browsers or perhaps struggled with multiple simulations users. Did anyone else encounter this issue ?

Pls bear in mind I’m not very technical minded, but just kept trying…but got a bit confused with this chat and the usual pre/post pages…but hey ho we have to learn.

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Most people voted no to using it again, so I think we’ll probably leave it for now. Maybe try again in a while when we’ve got to grips with it a bit more.

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Yeah…I suppose anything new is daunting …but we’ll get there.

I didn’t read this thread prior and so simply had no idea what was going on, and so was a little frustrated with the lack of access to the various threads that seemed to be alternately being used and then locked. Maybe if you want to give it another try, more explanation and expectation setting might help engage with the trial run in better faith/spirits.

Tried to ignore the ‘grumpy twat’ but after ‘bellend’ it’s seems you want a reaction badly.

I gave it a chance. Showed posters how to join the chat. Stayed for an hour and was easily the one with the most posts until then.

Didn’t like it and should have left after 20 minutes.

I apologize for my final message in the chat before leaving but not for then posting in the PL thread. There were already people using that one. Posters who didn’t want to join the chat anyway or posters who didn’t knew about the new chat feature. You closing the Premier League thread was a bit embarrassing and maybe disrespectful too.

I did post an explanation in the pre-match and thought I had added notes explaining what was going on as we went. But we’ll take that on board if we look at in the future.


  • multiple consecutive messages were ‘merged’ to one post - didn’t like that one

  • being able to like or react to your own messages is not cool :grimacing:

Looks like it went down like a lead balloon. :thinking:

This week I kicked 3 sites out of a clinical research database because I didn’t give adequate warning about downtime. So, I get it, it’s not always easy to know how to make the message clear and unmissable, but one post in a busy match thread (that few people will read all the way through) and one cryptically titled thread in a little used portion of the forum isn’t great warning for such a considerable change in approach.

What is the purported advantage of switching in game commentary from a thread to a live chat? I know we’ve had some problems in the past with match threads going down and people getting kicked out, so does the chat handle high volume usage better?

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Maybe, yeah. This was my experience.

We decided to run a bit of an experiment with the in game comments. Half way through a few lads decided they didn’t like the live chat (which is fine, and I said we’d gather some feedback afterwards and bin it off if people didn’t like it) a few lads started using the premier league thread for in game comments and you posted this in the chat

After I’d asked people to stop using the Premier League thread for the match comments, a few of you decided you’d completely ignore me and use the ‘Should German Red be taken off match threads’ instead?

Do you understand why that might be a bit annoying?

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14% are in favour of using it again (at time of posting).

Thanks for trying something new, but can we bury the chat and the Leicester result into the deepest darkest pit of the internet.


Understood, and I said we’d take take that on board.

The advantages as far as I can see are that it provides an experience that a bit more tailored towards immediacy, fast replies and shorter comments.

I think a lot of it depends on what people want in match. If it’s the ability to post quick reactions to what’s happening then I think the chats better. If people want to post longer thoughts then it definitely doesn’t work for that.

There is also a benefit that, how can I put this, sometimes the in game comments down show people in their best light :joy: and we think maybe it isn’t best to have the in match comment as a permanent part of the main forum. It might be better if everyone chimps were tucked away somewhere.

I’ve no idea whether it handles high load better. To be honest, it’s been a while since I’ve seen those messages.

You can do that in the normal forum threads if someone else has reacted first.

There are a few benefits, in no particular order.

Community - I figured chat might be a good connect. Find out more about others, bring a more social side to the community.

Communication . Chat is a different means for communication. I know some use WhatsApp between different TAN members. This fills a gap without people needing to go elsewhere.

Browsing - The ability to have a live chat in the box, whilst also being able to browse threads

Privacy - Using chat allows an element of privacy within the community. That has its advantages from people posting links :wink: to people feeling more free to express themselves. Things are not going to get picked up by a google search.

Quality vs Quantity - lots of great well considered posts get lost in the forum, with people airing frustrations/ calling the ref shit in match thread. We hoped to have high quality stuff that people want to read on forum, and the more community talking/emotion stuff in chat.

Performance/cost - last year the forum struggled a little when we got really busy. This is not a problem now as server been upgraded. However I hope we can grow the community and want to avoid bottlenecks.

New users - we are all forum first type people. It’s why we are on TAN. Chat might be attractive to new users who mainly chat but also occasionally contribute to forum.

Given potential benefits I won’t drop it straight away :blush: need to explore a bit more. But how we use it might be very different, may change over time, might be a combination of two.


As I’ve said before, the match threads are essentially the bar from Mos Eisley

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That one makes sense.


I hadn’t read all the pre-match stuff, so when @Mascot locked down the pre-match thread, I thought he was trying to make us all pay closer attention to the match, for once. This I applauded until I realized what was happening. Then I went off to see what it was all about. Actually, it was just different, harder to learn how to make reactions but really no big deal in the end. I thought it was fine and made me feel just as guilty for not paying closer attention to the match.


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Thanks ! That cracked me up into a wide grin !