What's happening?

Yep, my car was covered in dust this morning.

I confess to setting up some TinyPC’s which were Win7 based units when new (i5 Intel, 8gb DDR3, 256gb SSD) to Win10 when Win7 was sent out to die by MS. I really, REALLY dislike how invasive Win10 is but so far everything works decent enough.

I use one of them to run a projector, and because it has a bluetooth option I can run the sound through my little Bose BT speaker and only need to run power to the tinyPC and the projector. worked out great!

you can’t really see them, but my 8yo son and his 9yo cousin are snuggled into those chairs watching Sing2 at 8pm and even in daylight you can watch the projector. that’s how good it is.


hey TAN, am throwing this out there on behalf of one of TIA’s finest… RedJedi

He’s doing a fundraiser for “Get Kids Going” charity, running the NYC Marathon in October. If any of you are able to donate to his page, please do. He’s a great guy with a huge heart. Cheers!


Waiting at my mum’s for the carers who are over an hour late.


Sometimes it seems like all those ‘live fast, die young’ types had it right.


In a hospital room with my son. He’s stabilizing, so the news is improving.

17 yrs old, fit, plays football. Lost 40 lbs the past 6 weeks, to the point he was becoming dangerously thin. He was eating normally but was feeling increasingly tired and drained.

Got him into a doctor yesterday, specializing in food allergies, as he has some issues there which we have managed for years. We thought it might be that.

Instantly they diagnosed diabetes and sent him to the ER.

He was borderline between needing the ICU and a regular ward when we got to the hospital, with DKA (diabetes ketoacidosis) which can be life threatening. Fortunately he is fit and young, and overnight his underlying numbers for blood sugar have been normalizing, and the ketones are coming down a bit more slowly so his blood is not so acidic.

Basically we will be in here for a couple of days now, while they get us up to speed on our new normal, which is managing diabetes for our 17 year old son.

A few test results are pending, but it is almost certainly diabetes type 1.

I learned it’s an autoimmune thing, and the body attacks the cells which produce insulin in the pancreas. Basically, they are gone, and he no longer produces insulin, or enough insulin. Insulin carries the glucose into the cells, so for a couple of months, even though he has been eating, he hasn’t been taking on nutrients, and has been wasting away.

We are thankful they caught it yesterday, as just a bit longer could have been life threatening.

The poor bugger has been playing football, gamely doing his best, but saying he doesn’t feel right and doesn’t have the energy.

New journey ahead now. He has to master insulin injections, and amounts, basically the old school way of dealing with diabetes, and then with that under his belt, they will probably fit an automatic device, but that’s down the line.

He’s tired, but stable and in good spirits.

No history of this either side of the family. You just never know what life will bring.


Sorry to hear that. I hope it goes as well as possible.


A work colleague of mine had the same experience with her daughter…she was 8…went straight onto Insulin…but don’t despair…she bcame a P.E.teacher…and is also a mum…so life doesnt end after Insulin…hope everything goes well from now on…


Absolutely shocked. We are here with you my friend. Stay strong, stay calm. Everything will be fine :pray:


It reached Fife too.
Mine covered, only washed it yesterday too :rage:

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Car was filthy the day,

Dust travelled all the way up to Glasgow!

I like a little magic now and again. Card tricks, cups and balls etc. A good friend of mine is a VERY good close up magician. Been trying to find a trick to stump him and stumbled over the 27card trick. Never knew about it, everyday’s a school day and all that. Brilliantly elegant and so easy to do. Maths in motion I guess. If you don’t know it, there’s a billion vids on youtube. Oil and water is good too.

What happened there then…no TIA…for a few hours…


Ah, that’s wasn’t just me then :blush:

Mrs Christmas present from me was afternoon tea at Highclere House (Downton Abbey). That’s tomorrow. Currently sat having a cold one outside the hotel. It’s a 1920s themed weekend and the hotel is full of people who’ve been today. Like being on a movie set. Will post a pic of my spectacular getup tomorrow. I’m going to be so hot, going to be fancying myself :slight_smile: Behave @PeachesEnRegalia

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GIF by ABC Network

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Happy Mortal Kombat GIF by Gaming GIFs

Well hello :slight_smile:


Downton Flabby?

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Have to say I’m rather partial to all these charming young ladies in 1920s dresses. It’s dress up and dance day.


Nuthin from nuthin, but the bird in the white dress has a nice arse

No offense, @Maria

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