What's happening?

I think he meant vegetarian, but he took a wrong turn along the way.

They’re being sounded in Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities.

Imagine if a tornado occurs at 11 AM on a Friday morning? :scream:


nobody forcing ya to eat them

am halfway through processing the bulk of the peppers for my annual pepper sauce. 10 of the 20kg are diced and in the extra fridge waiting to cook.

first batch will be mild. second will be hotter, saved a couple of ghost peppers in the freezer for it.


Went record hunting at Goodwill this morn and found a torn up ziplock full of dusty mid-late 90s Flyers figures. I had to glue Eric Lindros’ head back on to his body, as some sort of perverse cosmic joke about CTE. Pretty nice for $0.49, though.


burn it homer simpson GIF

Recently, I lost a colleague at work, she had a sudden heart attack, 2 days before term started. It was a sudden. She was about to retire and spend more time with her grandchildren, she was 2 days short of her 60th birthday and spend the winters in Tenerife where her husband who had a holiday place :cry:

It is making me re-evaluate in my life and who knows how long we have left in this world.

These kinds of things are a bit of a reality check. My wifes work had a charity walk, and one of her colleagues collapsed during the walk and passed. He was only in his 50s with two kids :disappointed:

I know, it is quite scary.
I feel I need to do things soon, get paperwork in order, see loved ones more regularly, friends and travel to places I always wanted to travel to before it is too late.


Currently getting all the paperwork ready to try to comvince Mrs’ health insurance to pay for this Robotic gait training high tech thing, there’s two of them in Cologne. They’re resilient bastards at that insurance, but so am I.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Come At Me Bro GIF

Edit: If anyone has any experiences with this or similar systems (this one is called Lokomat), I would be interested in hearing about it


Day in Chester, gorgeous place. Had a cheeky pint after the lunchtime cheeky pints. Mrs had a handbag that’s not been out for a while and had our fav card game from when Jnr was younger. We couldn’t resist. No phones, just ponies :slight_smile:


I like those beer mats. I hope it is heeded!

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Indian meal last night with the wife and another couple.
Now I know it’s 2023, but in walks this “young person”, long flowing hair, make up, dress, and a full blown moustache.
I do genuinely try to understand what goes through the minds of people with gender identification issues, but this kinda made me think a bit of attention seeking going on.

Happy to be corrected, and curious to know where this he/her/she/him individual would be placed on the LBGTQ+ spectrum.

I think wherever the person wants to be placed?
And I am not sure if the people who are fluid with gender identification are the ones with the issues?

Fair dues in attempting to understand, many people just dismiss without good reason.
Our generation are in a new world, where peoplle can be what they want to be.
When we were young, those options would get you a hiding…


There’s the problem. You can no more be a Dalmatian than I can be a child.

I blame them’s parents.

If I swear will you report me again?

Dress, make up, moustache? You saw my nana! :rofl:

On a more serious note, don’t know the person but I doubt very much they were trying to be a Dalmatian. They were probably just going out in whatever they felt like wearing. Anyway, good luck to them. I hope they had a nice curry.

The dalmatian comment was another poor attempt at humour.