What's happening?

Uncle died suddenly this morning after a fight with cancer for some years. We were not close but he looks ok when I last saw him earlier this year. My father was the 2nd to pass away 14 years ago in their generation of brothers and sisters. This uncle is now the 3rd. 2 brothers and a sister left. It’s a cycle of life but it does get emotional when you hear them talking about losing their siblings one by one.


My condolences. May he rest in eternal bliss.


Sorry to hear that. My condolences to you and your family.

My condolences @gasband. YNWA :nerd_face:

Damned boss gave the CRS fully use of our kitchen. 5 in the morning and they emptied the fridge onto my uncooked croissants. Boss is a nutter who doesn’t know how to say no except to us when we need a holiday or wany a raise.
I only had to put up with it one morning my poor collegue is going to have a nightmare of a weekend. I also predict wrath and hellfire occuring within the restaurant staff, demissions in view?

Knowing how tempremental chefs can be, I would hate to be in or around the kitchen when he gets in

Sorry to hear the bad news…my hubbys family are the same, out of 9 siblings only two are still here , 2 aunties…and they are 94 and 70…

We haven’t a ‘real’ restaurant (just call it that to separate it from the Hotem). It’s a Grill and the kitchen is just for heating stuff in oven or microwave (in fact I think the breakfast uses the oven more than the grill heating bread) and preparing the desserts. However I expect some real hysterics when there’s nothing left on the menu. Perhaps a mental break down for the top person. Some of the lady staff will be crying by the end of the weekend that I am sure, taking abuse from clients isn’t fun and there’s some who take to heart.
I’ll report back once I get the low down Monday night and tuesday morning.

what’s CRS?

Central Reservation System.

It is a software package that brings together all of the various booking systems a hotel has in place to assist in room allocations, room availability and is supposed to prevent overbooking.

Although Flobs is in France so it might have a different meaning there

How would the reservation system dump the contents of the fridge onto Croissants ?

There will be reservation staff overseeing it, so could be them possibly. Or it has a different meaning in France, Fobs would be the one to answer that.

Probably not this…

Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurity, a ‘branch’ of the Police Nationale who deal with ‘Major events’ one of the many groups that can be loosely described as ‘riot police’. They are essentially a force that is not based in one town and move to where required.

Btw @aussielad might we correct about a central reservation system but we use TARS and FOLS. :grin:

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So they were the cunts that fucked our fans over in Paris in the C/L final?

I hope you personally spat in all of their food :rofl:

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On the whole they would be the ones with most public contact. There would also have been the equivalent Gendarmarie units (GIGN) sitting around somewhere. They do riot training at the barracks behind my house and often stay in the Hotel as well.

I wouldn’t do that as I just prepare the breakfast and all clients take from the same dishes.
I much prefer the Gendarmes to CRS who are quite pushy and not very polite. Then they are a very right wing bolshy lot in general. Police Nationale are useless and lazy in general, have too much political power!

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My condolences mate. Lost a couple of family members and close friends untimely to cancer myself.
May he rest in peace.

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Thanks all :pray:


@gasband Sorry to hear that mate, have exactly the same situation with my Dad’s siblings. He’s one of 7, 4 left and all are rather poorly. Only mum left of the spouses too. The disadvantage of a big family is that you goto a LOT of funerals.

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