What's happening?

I will DM you.

Fair play thats decent of you bud :+1:

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My wife likes cumin everything. Or is that cumin in everything?

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Anyone able to answer this for @Klopptimist ?

You just need to space it correctly, corrected it for you.

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I have got the promotion I wished for. No change in pay or contract but much better conditions (if you ask me). 1 extra day off (working 8 hours a night instead of 6 hours an evening), for me nights much better than evenings, better conditions with nicer guests ā€¦ . I was the 'permanent replacement now I have a permanent post so no flipping around between different jobs and hotels. Perfect!


Congratulations :partying_face:. So happy for you. BTW, you had some troubles with your legs, hope itā€™s better now.


Nice one @Flobs Congrats!

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I had a broken hip but thatā€™s ok now healed up and my weak knees are getting stronger with the work I do.
Best thing is the stress I have when working at ā€˜the cheap hotelā€™ will be a thing of the past. For example today they were putting in the final wiring for the fire alarm, so I couldnā€™t get to my desk and couldnā€™t hear a thing as they tested the alarm every 2 minutesĀµ. Then when I did manage to get to my desk the printer was out of ink (and guess what no replacement cartridge) so if a guest insists on a bill I have to go to the ā€˜nice hotelā€™ 2 minutes walk away. Then no hot water (itā€™s been playing up for a few days) so had to find the solution ask all the guests to run hot water to chase the cold out of the pipes. Oh! and ā‚¬10 euros missing from the till. Big arguement with a client who was pulling the iā€™m better than youā€™ angle because he said he was a priest (the muslims from the mosque will be pleased that itā€™s not just them I insist show me ID). Arguement with the assistant director as Iā€™m fucked off that they impose 1 rule for us plebs at the shitty hotel but they donā€™t follow any meaning we havenā€™t a clue whatā€™s going on or why some clients have no garantee etc.
ā€¦ and the evening hasnā€™t finished yet, at least I havenā€™t been verbally or physically abused yet, still time for that though.

With the Canada/US border now fully-ish open again, we have been working on our little getaway getting it ready for longer stays as it was closed up for two years. Put a new roof on the trailer, next up an add-on building for more sleeping area and a new deck for the rainy days. Itā€™s like a huge campground. My first time doing carpentry with my father who is now in his 70s and retired. So much to learn but he makes it easy. Relishing this time I am getting to have with him.


Thatā€™s awesome, especially the time with Pops.

A friend of mine has a Lake cabin in the Madawasga Valley, I guess somewhere between Ottawa and Toronto. They were trying to sell it, but put that on hold because of covid and their inability to get up there and clean the place out. Weā€™re going to try to get up there some time this summer hopefully.

I know exactly where that is. Lake Country, never let that kind of property go. theyā€™re getting few and far between especially waterfront. My wifeā€™s from Ontario. her sister lives about 60km southeast of there near a place called Arden. gorgeous area!

Yeah, it looks it from what Iā€™ve seen. The issue is the entirely family live in the US and only the father is really Canadian. Heā€™s getting to that stage of life (in his 70s, had a quadruple bypass a year or so ago) where is trying to wrap up everything and it just seems like one of those assets that would be more of a pain in the arse for his American kids than it would be useful to them.

You are ā€˜The Night Managerā€™. Watch out for Richard Roper!


Apparently it was a side effect of covid.


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let me know if it gets put up for sale, I know folks who live out that way and may be interested in it. Save your family the realtor fees? I personally would never sell it if the property was low-maintenance and could be left as an investment for a few years.

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Like most days, after work today i took the dog out for a walk. Took one of my usual routes, taking the boy through two parks. Tonight as i was walking into one of the parks along the footpath past some houses i saw two windows wide open on the 1st floor of the end house and a person in that window, that moved away as i walked towards the house.

I didnt think anything of it and as i walked past and egg whistled past me hitting the pavement just missing me and the dog. I instantly knew where it came from.

Casually walked back to the house and just stood there. 30 seconds later and young lad, probably about 14-15 in a school shirt, popped his head up.

I shouted up, why did you do that, to which he instantly replied ā€˜it wasnt meā€™, and proceeded to tell me he was wanking (quite funny to be fair).

At this point i was fuming, called him a cunt and told him to come down - clearly i wouldnt do anything as im nearly 40, and hes a kid, plus the dogs a 45 kilo Ambul. He thought it was all funny. Shouted some more abuse and got on my way and as i walked away the toe rag threw something else. A miss again; what a shit shot. I just carried on with the walk pissed off.

Now the question to you is, now that im no longer raging, is it worth going down to his house, chapping the door (tomorrow morning) and just having a polite word with the parents and let them know what their kid"s up to? Or do I just forget about? Maybe wait till the day i see him outside his house and just remind him i know where he lives and what he did, just to spook him

What i felt like doing at that moment was going to the shop around the corner; buying a few boxes of eggs and painting the cunts house in egg. A mate suggested a bin bag with half a brick and gloss paint in, knot tied to the top, through the living room window :rofl:

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Absolutely go see mum and dad. The next person the runt throws something at might be less restrained.


Yes! go and talk to the parents.
If they donā€™t have a decent attitude (take their little boys side ā€¦) then some paint bombs would be the way forward.
Donā€™t forget to mention the wanking.

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I agree with @Klopptimist and @Flobs best course of action is to talk to the parents - but I would raise it a notch and tell them you could see him wanking in the window, and if a kid sees that sort of shit he could be have the cops looking into public indecency laws and potentially him being put on the sex offenders register - scare the fuck out of them if they little toe rag might end up being seen as the local perv

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