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Kids were in the pool today - forecast still looking good for a bit yet!

I’m sweating my bollocks off. 27°C in the house, I’m not going outside!

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Yep…strange…its 19degrees outside…and its getting dark…

22degrees at 3pm and humid.

You’ve never been lost in France, in love?

One for the youngsters there.


You spelt beer wrong.

And the correct name is a pub :wink:

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Kinda put things in perspective today

I had my white LFC away top and so was with the Spurs fans. My mate Sean, on seeing me enter the pitch, goes “you’re not gonna hurt me today are you” :rofl:

Then mid way through the game Rory (playing on the red team) starts acting up, reacting to an innocuous challenge and stomps off the pitch. I gave him a wide berth, I knew he wasn’t feeling great for some time as his mum has terminal cancer.

Turns out she passed away earlier this week.

What a bonnie sentiment.

Oh I had a fair few flings in France when I was a kid. Best one was on the Ardeche. Probably 14. Met a girl playing in the river, she was a year or two older. My dreadful French and her halting English worked wonders. One afternoon, she called for me at the pitch (parents were sticklers for lunch and an hour’s rest before swimming again). My dad went to the awning door and was confronted by a very shapely french girl who was spectacularly topless asking for me. I’ll never forget the look he gave me :rofl::rofl::rofl: Was a great night of cheap red plonk and Gauloises. Like Camel only worse. Happy days.

And I hate shit songs about being lost in France :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I don’t know about France but there’s this

A good friend of mine got a bit of a kicking at the Brøndby-FCK game last week, from Brøndby fans.

We’ve been going Brøndby games for 10 odd years prior. He’s as passionate as they come for Brøndby, but he’s Mexican. He doesn’t want to acknowledge that he was targeted because he’s a brownie, and I don’t want to tell him, but I’m positive that’s why he was targeted.

Now he doesn’t want to go to the games. Breaks my heart. For all the talk of the Scandi utopia, they’ve still a long way to go.

Do you think it’s been like that before too, or is it recent phenomenon?

Far-right/ultra-nationalist parties are gaining grounds in Scandinavian countries (just as in other European countries) in recent years.

mom admitted to hospital last night with a suspected heart attack, she’s had motor neuron disease (ALS) since the mid-1990’s. This should be an interesting week

They were supposed to depart on a 14day cruise, in two days.


Sorry to hear that, mate. Hope your mum makes a swift and complete recovery.

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Fingers crossed mate.

got an update from Dad, she’s confirmed as having a mild heart attack but is not in immediate danger. is on a waitlist for angiogram at a neighboring hospital with the required specialists. she’s a low priority at this point. hurry up and wait, says Dad. I’m 5min away from the hospital if anything goes sideways but my sister has already booked off the balance of this week and will be mothering them.


Hope everything works out well…

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Wish her all the best.

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Just saw this on FB. What kind of life do you have to need to post this???

Anyone available tomorrow?

We are due to get married in Warrington at the registry office tomorrow but our witnesses can no longer make it!

We are in deperate need of 2 people who could come and be witnesses. We can drive you there and back, we will even provide lunch!

Off to sunny Manc tonight to watch SIR RANULPH FIENNES (copy pasted for spelling) live. Had a quiet chat with Jnr yestarday “next time Mrs mentions getting tickets for somebody she thinks I like telling stories I’ve heard a 100 times, could you persuade her otherwise please?”

Might be brilliant. Might.