What's happening?

Just back from the GP having had my Autumn vaccinations. I had to queue for an hour and a bleeding half to get to the front of the queue. The couple in front of me were told to get a separate prescription as they had private insurance!

I was supposed to get the jags done at work but I’m off next week. I think I’ll check with the company doctor before I book my holidays next year.

My WHO vaccination book now resembles a Panini sticker album. Anyone want swapsies? Covid for anthrax?

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Mom is out of the hospital after 6 days. back home and getting comfortable with her new cocktail of prescriptions. no angiogram performed, they’re going to try and treat with meds.


That’s good news.

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I once had to get fourteen injections (including Japanese Encephalitis and Rabies) to travel to Nepal with the TA. I got in from having my final jab and got a phone call from my unit to say I’d been bumped off the Nepal jolly to let an officer go and I was now going to Germany with the rest of our unit. :rage::nerd_face:

At least you then didn’t have to worry about being bitten by Red Whippet.

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And bloody hell he was fabulous. The most humble, matter of fact and unassuming person I’ve ever heard speak. Tales and stories of ridiculous achievements that make a footballer being injured for anything but death frankly pathetic.” Yeah, a boat sank and several people died but we had to hike 1000 miles so we just got on with it” and similar. His stories of climbing towers and tipping boats over at Eaton were magic. Doesn’t like Norwegians though, the butt of all his jokes. Seen many speakers like this who milk the crowd and love the applause. He finished by saying “Anyway, sorry for waffling on and keeping you, many thanks for coming and safe trip home” and walked off. Wasn’t a grumpy Elton John (cunt) style stalk off. he was just finished and obviously had something to do or somewhere to be. The applause and love from the crowd just wasn’t his thing. Obviously a love letter to his dead wife, she was mentioned more often than frostbite.

If you ever get the chance, go and see him. I suspect there isn’t much time left for this absolutely astounding British legend. Brilliant night which Mrs and Jnr also loved too.


I knew a guy once who had been out of work for well over 12months… things becoming desperate at home and such.
He got a production line job interview in Barker & Dobson Sweet factory (think Everton Mints, Spearmint Chews etc) and the week or so once he was notified, it picked-up his spirits somewhat.

This only led to a bigger disappointment when he lost out on the role, because he failed the medical - apparently, he had bad teeth, which was a no-no in those days in certain food factories.

Crestfallen at this point, he decides to go to the dentist… gas mask in those days to put you under… and anyone who ever experienced that would say - never again.!
Anyway, six teeth removed, load of cavities filled, you can just imagine the pain and anguish he went through.

Went back to Barker & Dobson for them to revise his medical status, only to be told the job had been given to someone else…! :0)

At least he could smile about it… oh no, that’s right, he couldn’t :0)

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I thought this is worth sharing:



Thank you. We often say that people (in trauma/distress) don’t share or open up, but most often they don’t because they don’t find persons eager to listen.

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Got Mrs a trial training with that Robotic Gait Training machine last week. Was amazing, Mrs was exhausted afterwards but enjoyed the experience a lot. Technology can be fantastic. Lovely people there too. Since she passed the test with flying colours, we’re now hoping to get intensive training for 6 weeks approved by her health care soon. High hopes.


I got poohooed so much I stopped looking for help because my condition made me ultra agressive and I thought I might kill someone. What makes it still a very sore point is it would have only taken antibiotics costing €10 a month (admittedly over a long time) to cure me).
Anyway enough about me.

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I saw that this morning. Very powerful indeed and a reminder that it’s not just the quiet ones that are struggling. Thanks for posting it here. :+1::nerd_face:


LOL from a neighboring town


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Just getting the North Sea ferry in Ijmuiden. This wasn’t what I had in mind…


The Dengue outbreak in Dhaka/Bangladesh is creating havoc. I mean it’s been talked about for months now, but I didn’t/couldn’t give it much thoughts among myriad of other issues. One of my sister-in-laws needs a surgery and she has been told that there’s no available cabin as all are occupied by Dengue patients.


Guatemala has been at a standstill for 12 days due to protests and blockades against corruption in the government. Today there was a treaty so the petrol stations, hospitals, supermarkets, market traders could stock up. Monday the blockades start again.

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Some people just don’t help the situation. Took my kids to their cousins once, there was another boy there that I didn’t know, apparently a doctors son just back from some African country and they suspected he had Dengue (the doctors son that is) fuck knows what he was doing at my sister in laws. Anyway as soon as I had the information we back in the car heading for home!

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On a different note, but Guatemala related, the church I attend had a push to sponsor all the kids in a village, in partnership with a local charity, with expertise right there on the ground.

Every kid was taken on, which was amazing to see. This will mean food and education, and then job prospects upon graduation, as creating small enterprise is part of the overall scheme.

We just raised the money to buy a parcel of land for them to build a community center, too. The idea is a mid to long term partnership until they are self sufficient.


Wow, amazing. Do you know which part of Guatemala? I live in the departamento of San Marcos.


Dengue can’t be spread person to person. If a mosquito bites a person with Dengue, they can be innfected, then that mosquito can infect someone if it bites them.