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On the way downunder.

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Oh god, you would have done last night. I was watching people walk into the bar bouncing off the walls and that was the sober ones. In fairness it gets better with beer as the head matches the legs.

Yeah I’d suggest it already occurs in banana bender land.

Safe journey :pray:

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haha. Thought @Bekloppt you were talking about Dengue rather than the illustrious Craig Johnston. :rofl:

Really frustrated with this back injury (from footie last Sunday). Taking a lot longer to heal than I had anticipated. Affects literally every motion. And I stupidly aggravated it by using a massage gun on it too soon

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At Changi airport. Was expecting an exhibition of Gasbag’s art in Terminal 3.


They keep the priceless art out of reach of the plebs, so no chance any of his masterpeices would be allowed anywhere near Terminal 3

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If you had gone to toilet 35, cubicle 3 on the left, flush the toilet 3 times, kneel down and kowtow towards the west and declare aloud, Gasband is great, then my masterpiece will reveal itself in the now still water of the toilet bowl.


The toilets at Changi certainly are fragrant.

Love that airport, best I’ve ever been through.


As opposed to Chicago which makes BT’s customer service seem organised, Blackpool look posh and Germany the centre of culinary excellence.


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I know airports age badly with the passage of time as with all infrastructure projects but Singapore and Dubai have done an excellent job keeping the airports contemporary as well as setting the benchmark for customer satisfaction.


Worst airport award? La Guardiia.

I see your La Guardia and raise you a Luton AIrport.

I’ll call it a draw.

Ewww e ewwww! Init.

Point Noire, Libreville, Tripoli very basic.
Surprisingly, Casablanca was a fucking toilet

Phew!! Back feeling a lot better today woohoo!!

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