What's happening?

Terrible to hear that. Just FYI, it’s another reason to be vaccinated against SARS-CoV2:


Sad, so sad…remember him with a smile…

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we are all vaccinated, thanks for your concern

Still tense as fuck here in France after the murder of a teacher last week.

The sister-in-law is a CPE ( Conseiller Principal d’éducation ) in a school for under-privileged kids in Saint Denis , Paris. ( Stade de France , CL Final). Today the head was told by a pupil that she was going to be killed. He’s been arrested.

Edit: It wasn’t a pupil. It was some guy who just came to the school , much like what happened last week. (That guy turned out to be a Chechen btw.)

Was watching France 24 channel earlier. A teacher has been killed. :sob:

Yeah that was the one from last week. That attack was done on the anniversary of the murder and beheading of another teacher , Samuel Paty , three years ago. The perpetrator in that case was also a Chechen.

Ah but you need to keep up with the vaccines, especially as you may have a predisposition to suffer heart conditions.
May need to rethink your stance…:crossed_fingers:

Big thumping noise from somewhere, it’s raining but not thumping down, oh, just as I speak it’s stopped and the ice making machine is doing something, must have been that.

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What if like me, the individual is very healthy, and there is no indication of heart condition.

Does that make them a conspiracy theory cretin if they decide to refuse the vaccine?

There is a dedicated thread for discussing Covid and it’s associated topics.

I think @Semmy has already made his position quite clear.


last I checked, mRNA vaccines were not designed to deal with high cholesterol or poor blood circulation due to lack of exercise. neither of those apply to me, I coach baseball and soccer 5 days a week, nor do I have that genetic predisposition for cholesterolproblems. I eat out my veg garden 5-6mo a year, don’t use seed oils (EVOO or ghee) and trying to transition to a more fish-based diets for omega3 fatty acids (and I fly fish when opportunity presents. )

But, again thanks for your concern. Dumb Hillbilly Redneck Canadian out

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Could add polite to your moniker?

My condolences @Semmy

A small, but poignant, glimpse into the strange world of Flobs.

When it rains water comes down the chimney and soaks the grill. When we get a decent Cevenole (storm that comes from the Cevennes to the west) there can be little streams in the dining room. :crazy_face:

I’ve always wondered where in France you are. I know precious little about French geography…

I live and work in the town of Orange in the departement of Vaucluse. It’s in the Rhone valley and is quite particular weather wise.
Really great area if you can get out and about though, soo many trails that go all over the place, I missed out on that due to illness and am now getting on and also a bit paranoid due to the illness I defeated (all on my own).


Great name :+1:


Now I remember that you once said you live close to the Alps (or something like that). I guess the place is nice.

It’s the new black