What's happening?

Google is broken. What do people do these days if there is something very specific they are looking for?

We have a recessed light fitting in our shower and we broke the glass shade to it last week. No big deal I thought as a replacement would probably be $10. I measure the fitting size at 5" and headed to my local ace. They had nothing so I went to Home depot and they had nothing. I went to Lows and guess what, they had nothing. So now Im back home searching for a replacement on line and no matter what my search terms the results I get are of things meaningfully different

Me: “5 inch fitter glass shade”
Google: Here are your results of 8in shades

If it is in a shower room, it would need to have an IP rating… such as IP44 or IP67… If this is the case, you might need to buy the entire light fitting, due to the shade requiring a waterproof seal to the body…
Safety first, expense secondary :0)

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tried looking for the manufacturer of the light fitting?

Unfortunately there is nothing in the fitting at all. Partly my frustration is about the replacement shade. But partly its about how broken google is.

Have you tried searching 5" rather than 5in?

Not sure if these help at all:

…or maybe 125mm :person_shrugging:

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That sort of communist language isnt going tog et you anywhere in the US

Ah… Okies :0)

I found that site and that exact set of results, but that is all the fittings. We just need a shade. Why is this so hard?

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Yep agreed…why doesn’t Google listen…long story…but I need in a hurry an Electric Cooker that plugs into a 13a socket…so why do I keep getting updates for gas cookers…over n over again…aaarrrggghhh

my ex-wife at SEOmoz would tell you, that it’s not google that’s broken. the websites which google are linking to isn’t optimized properly for search results.

Lowes and HD are big enough to not care. they want the foot traffic in the store, more chances to buy other incidental impulsive purchases while there.




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But @limiescouse I suspect you’re looking for this? Two wire springs to secure to fixture?

Put the heating on yesterday and an extra pullover, that’s cold. 5°C to 11°C freezing for here! :frowning_face:

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I doubt LFC have too many Geordie fans in the South of France.


I’m pretty much an Orangeois now, getting old so I need thermal underwear!

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Kevin Bacon No Thanks GIF by Team Coco

Shrivelled balls?

In recognition of that fact , here’s something rather apt :


At my age they dangle too low and swing a lot, just to say baxer shorts a a definite no-no!