What's happening?

Oh if its dangling too low, try not to play football naked because it might get too ticklish with the grass

If they did… They were no doubt lost.! :0)

:person_raising_hand: Taxi

those who having a competition on who uses more hair spray

bruh, 1988 is long gone.

Glad to say… Is wasn’t me that first brought the tone of the thread down :0)

Couple of Canadian guys here no longer with us, with a song once heard, never forgotten.!

Martinssingen in Germany. To confound stereotypes of German efficiency, this is regarded as an appropriate way to bake very small bread rolls.

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Internet crashed yesterday.
Rang Sky and they said an Openreach engineer visit was required, would be in 2 days.
Openreach engineer came within 2 hours and cleaned up some corroded connections inside exchange box outside my house.
Internet came back on, but only 4 mbps. Openreach engineer said there was 19 mbps to my property, so most likely router issue.

Called Sky and an extremely unhelpful individual told me all was ok.

Rang cancellations and told them how pissed off I was that a fucking call centre operator thousands of miles away completely disregagrded the finding of an Openreach engineer I had just been talking to face to face.

Surprise surprise, I now have 17 mbps.
Slow compared to fibre I know, but fibre not in our area.


Reminds me of when I rang Orange because instead of the promised 8 mbs I was getting just 4 (which as anyone can tell you isn’t enough for the TV box they supply to work). The lass at the end of the phone told me ‘if your not happy change your supplier’.
That day I changed supplier (ok it takes a few days but the deal was done the same day). New supplier managed to give me a rate of 13mbs which is above the theoretical rate calculated to the nearest post.
Orange still have the audacity to send salesmen/women to my door to I presume to persaude me to take up an offer with them. 1st question to pose to door to doors is ‘who do you work for?’ of course those from Orange get the ‘your joking, right! Go away!’. Some have the cheek to ring the doorbell again after I have closed the door, they get the ‘fuck off’ treatment (which when I have my tool bag near the door can include a waving hammer).


Exactly works a treat!

Just had this exchange with the Missus:

She - Do you want anything from the shop?
Me - Some plain chocolate digestives please.
She - What?
Me - Plain chocolate digestives, but not milk chocolate.
She - So no chocolate?
Me - Plain chocolate. Not milk chocolate. Some people think milk chocolate is an acceptable alternative, but it isn‘t.
She - So, plain digestives?
Me - Plain chocolate digestives.
She - Plain or chocolate? Which ones?
Me - Ok, so there are three types of digestives, plain, no chocolate. Not those. Milk chocolate. Not those. Plain chocolate. Yes please.
She - You mean dark chocolate? Why didn’t you just say so?

I’ve been in the doghouse for an hour.

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Doesn’t she know which ones you like?
Perhaps next time try using the colour of the packet?
Ok you’ll end up with bournville chocolate but that’s quite nice!

I don’t usually eat biscuits due to waistline concerns.

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The call center operator 1000s of miles away probably gets 300 Mbps.

Did she throw you a bone ?

I’d prefer a plain chocolate digestive tbh

It’s good that my kid doesn’t know they are chocalate flavoured digestive biscuits.

We only get the plain digestive biscuits in India. Same brands and all but still.

How revolting! I shall write to McVities to complain in the strongest possible terms.

So, did you get the Plain Chocolate Digestive @Bekloppt

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Yes, but with a large side serving of attitude.

Thank God she doesn’t know about those white monstrosities!