What's happening?

If it is a bomb, will you use it to combat evil?

looks fine to me…

Sadly a bomb it isn’t, plus it’s a bit damn heavy to carry round in search of evil deeds that I could right.

I’m sure you wouldn’t have to look far

Have you checked whether your wife took out extra insurance on you?

Hmm she has said I’m being buried in the van…

Keep an eye behind you she might be there with a shovel … :rofl:

Would the police classify the reason behind murdering with a vehicle an auto-motive?

Went outside for a smoke to be greeted by this

Turned around and had a friend come to say hello.

Love Australia


Is that just some random person standing in your garden?

Nsh, mum was out getting photos of the storm coming in before it hit. Literally stated pissing down as i was posting the 2 pics.

Back patio flooded within a couple of minutes

I like your garden

Is it venomous? Of course it is, it’s bloody Australia. Even if it isn’t it probably carries some parasite that is 100% lethal.

Nah, it’s a green tree snake, so non venomous.

But still charged at me when it came down off the table trying to get into the shrubs that were behind me


Probably sensed the storm(s)? Hope you’re doing okay - understand parts of QLD have been/are chaos.

Down in Radelaide we’ve had lovely sedate mid 20s weather - beach today and boys collected crabs, starfish, shrimp, two jellyfish plus a small blue ringed octopus.

It’s australia, Craig - of course they’re fucking dangerous! Why do you think we let our kids collect them? :rofl:

The trick is generally to leave them alone - in this case they were collected by a parent of one of my boys friends who happens to be a marine expert and he did it professionally (aka using a plastic bucket and spade)…

Professional, plastic bucket and plastic spade has to be Aus!
Rubber wellies surely not, just a rag hiding some hairy balls. :rofl: (Know as cache peau in French).

Why did you edit out the other animals in the pictures?

Cheers, we’ve been all good. Little bits of rain in Bundy but nothing like what the SE has been getting.