What's happening?

Finally booked a trip to Berlin.

It is a bucket list trip so I’m quite excited.


Of course, but it’s fun to take the piss a little bit :wink:

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Hiya, A while back I sort of said that my treatment was for a Covid injury. It’s actually a Stroke with an Aphasia element to it.
Sorry for the messing about. :nerd_face:


Hope you are fully recovered Commando.


My friend and I got cheap tickets to see La Bohème at the Royal Opera House on Wednesday. Never been inside there before or seen this Opera. Looking forward to it.

I nearly cancelled because of the weather.


Doesn’t the Royal Opera House have a roof?
The Theatre near me has a newish roof but only covers the stage.


We have a Jack Russell puppy in our house who is coming up to 6 months, to go with a Labradoodle and a Bernedoodle. Small, medium-ish, and very large. It’s bedlam!

Anyhow, the young Jack Russell was spayed 2 days ago, and she needs to wear a plastic cone around her head while the wound heals up, otherwise she will bite the stitches out.

The little bugger has quickly seen this as an opportunity!

She is running wild, charging into the other dogs to try to boss them, even though she is a fraction of their size. She now clearly sees herself as a Triceratops, and will just get her head down and charge. The free entertainment is hilarious :rofl:

Glad they got it diagnosed. I hope you are getting back to normal and feeling much better as you build back up. Best wishes mate.


Wishing you a speedy recovery mate :pray:t4:


Get well soon CDO…


I was there last year and probably back in a few months time. Love the city, plenty to do and easy to get around.

So many museums specifically around WWII and Cold War.

One place not readily tipping the top of the tourist charts is an abandoned spy tower out near the Olympic stadium. Now heaps of street art all over the run down buildings. Pretty cool for something different.



I was originally meant to be going to Berlin for my birthday this year but I’ve suffered more cracked ribs so will have to postpone it again.

Yeah, Teufelsberg. Hard to get to, but worth it.

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Will certainly consider it, did think of heading out that way

Yes, i was worried about getting to Covent Garden on the tube. My tube station and the next 5 stops are all overground.

On the balcony listening to Aretha.


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No. Not snowmageddon. We had one of those in 2017. It was impossible to go anywhere. Even on foot was very difficult. The shops had nothing in them and the petrol stations started running out if fuel.

Right now we’re on alert for a major snowfall. One place where I teach has put all classes online for the next two days and the university here is probably going to cancel classes tomorrow morning. The place that has decided to go online is in Kanazawa which is just south of the Noto Peninsula where the earthquake was on NYD. I’ve seen footage of the snowfall to the north of there and it was unbelievable and it’s probably heading our way.

This is a pic from the snowfall we had just before Christmas. That’s well over a foot of snow on my car windscreen.

Yes, I’m fine thanks. Just a bit of long term inertia. Just taking each day as it goes. :nerd_face:


I hope your recovery goes well, mate.

BTW I don’t think @Bekloppt got your reply as you just replied to yourself! :smiley:

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To @Bekloppt, feeling OK. Just some tiredness. One day at a time. :nerd_face: