What's happening?

All good pal. Ignore that Japanese smartass :wink:

BTW you do know that Iā€™m not Japanese, donā€™t you? Well, you do now anyway.


that was the first hours of snowfall, I took that picture at 6am after I shoveled my driveway for the first time that day. I ended up doing my place three times, and two of my older neighbors as well. We got 34cm at my house, my brother about 10km further up the hill got 40cm in 24hrs.

snowmageddon refers more to Vancouver being the laughingstock of Canada because nobody here buys snow tires and the roads become gridlock after a few hours of snow stick to the roads. itā€™s actually embarassing as to how stupid some of the drivers are here.

10am, second clearing of snow. Over 15cm at this point and it didnā€™t stop snowing until after midnight


The forecast major snowfall was a lot less major than had been predicted. There were ā€˜onlyā€™ about 6-8 inches of snow on my car this morning. Thankfully, my snow plough-owning neighbour had cleared the lane in front of the house.
This is what the ā€˜snowmageddonā€™ of 2018 (not 2017) looked like, although in the video the roads had been cleared. It took a few days after the snowfall to get to that condition. Apparently, about 1,500 vehicles were stranded on the bypass and on the motorway for at least two days.

Iā€™m not Australian either.

Yikes :grimacing:, I though itā€™s Canada :canada: :flushed:.

Iā€™ve always found it interesting, in many cities they have to actually truck the snow out of the city as you see in that video. Here if we are lucky the plow will come by and scrape it to the curb and drop salt/sand mix.

Having a delayed reaction to the dissolution of my second marriage. Iā€™m the one who left Dallas because her undermining me over a year during the pandemic made me extremely miserable. But now I find myself mourning the loss. I knew I had to leave, thatā€™s not changed. But I miss the compatibility we had. We did find each other very attractive. I miss that.


I felt that way about my first. we got along famously, until we werenā€™t. that one broke me for a few years, keep your chin up and take good care of yourself.

nobody else will


Thank you mate. I was confused as to why have I become so tearful about it after nearly two and a half years. I was so hell bent on coming back to London to get out of a toxic situation that I didnā€™t think of anything else. Didnā€™t bat an eyelid about it all this time. And itā€™s hit me like a ton of bricks. Also what made me sad was that I heard through the grapevine that her mum has cancer and that my ex took my leaving very hard.

my ex and I split up in 2006, divorce finalized in 2008 when she was already living in Denver. I think the last time I saw her in person was when I dropped her at the airport after we signed the separation agreement in 2007.

Itā€™s part of who I am, I regularly think about my past and what I have been able to learn from it. sometimes it hurts to think about, but I think thatā€™s just part of being human. When you disconnect from someone after years of being intrinsically tied, it leaves a scar


Having spent 2 weeks in India recently I guess I should not have been shocked at the poverty but it even exceeded my expectationsā€¦

My guide was excellent and we had some frank discussions about Indian society. I was amazed that he defended the caste system and arranged marriage on several occasions pointing out the ā€œadvantagesā€. I was very surprised that the caste system was still very much a thing. One day I was confined to the hotel with ā€œstomach issuesā€ and had a long discussion with a consultant surgeon from Kolkata who also praised it and proudly told me on several occasions that he was a Brahmin touching his head.

Just one storyā€¦ I was used to seeing whole families seemingly living by the roadside in hovels. Basically tents made of plastic sheeting. However one day I noticed that for a stretch of about 50 metres the families were each sitting behind a young girl sat out in front with western clothes and full make up. My guide explained that in India families still celebrated the birth of a boy but here they celebrated the birth of a girl. This was a ā€œprostitutes villageā€. The girls looked barely out of puberty.

The guide said they performed a useful purpose for truck drivers who were away from their wives for long periods. Once they get to about 18 they get married off and and stop being prostitutes. He said the arrangement suited everyone.

Itā€™s a very complex society full of contradictions.
Arranged marriage comes in different forms, itā€™s not always that the couple have no choice. Marriage based on lust is also problematic and I know couples whose arranged marriages have been happy and long lasting.
Caste can be rigid and unfair, but class in societies like the UK also defines peopleā€™s lives and opportunities.
Iā€™m not defending either, but these issues are rarely black and white.

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What gets me is all the crowing about spaceships when so many people lack the basics of life.


Thereā€™s worst than snow, Farmers blocking roads causes chaos!
To my dismay it also fills the hotel. :cry:

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What are the farmers filling the hotel with?


Is that the new PC term for cows?

Seems like a strange protest, if you donā€™t give in to our demands weā€™ll fill the hotels with guests!

No itā€™s what I call pesky people who stay in the hotel where I work. :grin: