What's happening?

So, so, happy to hear the news :pray: :heart:

I spent the last week skiing…or “skiing”.

Day 1 - developed early symptoms of altitude sickness. We were at 11,000 ft and so well above the point where it CAN develop, but I have been at this altitude plenty of times before and have never experienced anything close to this before. Had to get some meds and supplemental oxygen and so after 1 really uncomfortable night was ok the next morning

Day 3 - had problems with my boots and developed open sores on both shins that basically ended my skiing

Day 4 - lost my wallet including all my credit cards and my IDs

Day 5 - spent all day the phone trying to track down the wallet (never found it) and figuring out how I was going to be able to catch my return flight without a government issued ID on me

Our last evening - came down with BAD food poising. Put myself to bed at 8pm and proceeded to throw up at least every 30 minutes until 8am the next morning, often with action from both ends. Our trip home was scheduled to start at 11am and was a 3 hour van ride and then 2 flights and it was a last minute decision on whether I was going to have to stay another day for fear of violently shitting myself while midflight during a bout of turbulence. I did it (the making it home, not publicly shitting myself), but it was the worst trip of my life. Real white knuckle stuff for nearly 12 hours straight.

Flight arrived at 11pm with me feeling wretched, like I’d been repeatedly kicked in the torso by a horse, and found my bag didnt make it. So going to have to go back sometime this afternoon to pick it up.

Fuck sake…got to the airport and both on site car parks were closed. Of course in typical Florida fashion they put no notification of this our there…you just have to drive all the way into the airport, get to the car park entrance and then be told by an attendant they are not accepting anymore cars.

So I make my way back out of the airport to find off site parking (all long term) and catch a bus in. I make it into the airport and get my bag and return back to the car park in a unnervingly painless series of steps. So you know something is around the corner…turns out they wont let me leave the car park. We have a toll system in Central Florida and the transponder you use to pay for the tolls can also be used as a ticketless way to pay for airport parking. Today their system appeared to be down so they had no record of me entering. The attendant just kept repeated that I needed to give her my ticket to which I kept replying that I didnt have one as I entered through the ticketless lane, and on and on that went for a good 20 minutes before she finally let me leave.

I’ve got no record of the charge but I fully expect to have to fight someone tomorrow over a $50 bill :joy:

Im fucking done going on holiday

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What sort of a ski holiday is that?:scream:

Edit: Ah, Florida…that explains it. You may need a travel agent to help you book your next trip!

A fucking shit one.

We were in Telluride, CO. It’s a beautiful resort, but was a complete wipe out for me this year.

Sorry for your loss. I love skiing; used to have a season pass at Thredbo for Aussie winter and every other summer pre kids would go for couple of weeks to BC. Since relocating to Adelaide haven’t been within 200km of a ski slope and I really miss it. Will have to organise a holiday (wife doesn’t like it) but that is an absolute horror story.

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I like it, but I feel like I want to like it more than I actually do.

Other than 4 days on a school trip in the 90s, and one random day in my 20s to a really rinky dink resort I dont think had anything bigger than greens, I had never been until 2 years ago. Then I finally joined a group of friends who are all longtime (lifetime) skiers who have been doing this annual trip for nearly 20 years. The trip itself is great especially as some of the group dont live nearby anymore and its the only time I ever get to see their kids. But taking it up as a past time in your early 40s with bad hips is not easy. It just feels like my body is not capable of doing the amount of skiing I need to do to get better, which is a viscous circle because at this level of proficiency everything is just really physically tough, like Im fighting the mountain.

My partner doesnt ski either, so it’s just a LOT of money to spend for the little amount of skiing I get in and I suspect that next year she’ll want to put her time off for something she’ll get more out of.

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Keep up. LS lives in Florida (poor man), he’s very clever at US politics and has an even cleverer wife/partner.
You are a Irish bloke living in Adelaide for reasons unknown.

Wow, so sorry for a crappy holiday, a very unlucky series of unfortunate events :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Highly contestable! Oirish born but left when young and lived in Australia for 3x as long; Radelaide due to my equally brilliant wife and the ‘bloke’ thing also debatable for reasons related.

Masculinity thread

Ja meinen thread polizei.

pity, that would have made the news all the way to Singapore even. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hope you feel better and settle all your lost documents


That’s a low blow mate :rofl:

And FYI, I believe the proper name is actually Piss-ant Town

Don’t mock the afflicted.

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He’s just jealous. Radelaide is cool - the clue is in the name!

If ever I’m unfortunate enough to own or run a bar in NYC, I’d like to insist we only hire people who do not have any “NYC experience”. I wanna see “NYC experience” on Wind Street. I wanna see “NYC experience” on St Mary.

What about Adelaide experience?

Asking for a friend.

I don’t know who Adelaide is, but yeah, I’d probably hire her.