What's happening?

Last month, pavements outside ours dug up for fibre installation.
Pavement repair not finished after infill.
Workers said they’d been told by the council to leave it temporary as new street lighting being installed and they would finish off.
New and additional street lights installed, these workers have no information about finishing off previous work.
Pavements remain a potential tripping hazard, especially to my missus who is vision impaired.

Sky getting binned when the internet is fast enough to use my dodgy Firestick.
At least I’ll be able to see my missus after she’s tripped over.


Clocks go forward one hour tomorrow night.
I wish they could go back 50 fucking years


Well there was a lot of crap going on but we won the FA Cup and United were relegated. It had something going for it.

No there wasn’t, life was so easy back then :roll_eyes:

Ummm I used to live there.

What does that mean? Do I need to get an injection or something?

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What a shit time of it.
I was fortunate enough to visit the Alps again at the beginning of March. It is my holiday of choice. Going somewhere hot to drink, lay on a beach, drink some more an over eat is not my idea of a great time. Hurtling down a mountain on a plank of wood is.

Some interesting conditions across the Alps this year. Our trip was fun however, even the transfer. We were in Alpe d’Huez which has a famous Tour de France climb up to the resort. Fascinating and great seeing it first hand.

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Ask @aussielad , he came up with it.

It means @bekloppt thinks it’s not as good as [insert wherever the fuck he is right now]

Mad props for still using wood

Snowboard core is still wood, they’ve just got really clever with flex patterns, shapes, reinforcing strips and the likel

Sorry but it was @Maria who first coined it. So all credit realky does need to go to her



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Been thinking about the need for a new fence in our back garden. Yep, confirmed, need to do it!

We have a Jack Russell terrier, along with a Labradoodle and a Bernedoodle. The doodles are bigger, friendly, laid back and aren’t bothered about anything. The Jack Russell is about 8-9 months old and is starting to notice rabbits, and she tries to catch them. She will get one soon, I’m sure.

Anyway, the little bugger made a hole in the wooden fence (it’s not in great condition) and has been outside four times today. Once she did it once, she did it again and again. I will need to patch it but now that she has learned what to do I think we need a new fence, a metal one.

It’s almost 11pm and I just let her out for a wee, before going to bed, and she saw a rabbit, chased it right through the hole in the fence, and sprinted off after it into the night. I got a torch and called her and she came back. There are coyotes in the area and it won’t end well if she spends much time on the other side of the fence.

We now have an extendable lead by the back door. This will be the new system, and hopefully we will get a metal fence installed soon. Mrs ROTW has been looking tonight. There is something called a puppy fence, where the metal bars on the lower part are closer together, so puppies, or small dogs like Jack Russell terriers, can’t wiggle through. That’s the idea anyway. We will probably spend thousands and she will find a way to tunnel under, or something.

I love the breed. Had one growing up and they are so intelligent, but also crazy, feisty, adventurous, and all the things that make you either love them or hate them.

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When digging the holes for the posts of the fence. Also dig a channel 1 feet wide by 1 feet deep between each post. Pour contrete for posts and into channel between posts. Then lay fence. Would stop dog digging under fence due to contrete. Also would stop rabbits getting into garden.


Blame @PeachesEnRegalia maria , it always works.

Someone implied that I came up with the term Man City115. I was merely correcting them that it was your genius creation.

In terms of who it was that added it to the cheaters thread title I guess that is a mystery that will never be solved
Gossip Zip It GIF by TRT

Or you can follow Sithbare’s advice

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Oh yes! Guilty as charged, that was in City thread, sorreey. Aussielad is clear.
:upside_down_face: :pensive:

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They’re awesome dogs but being terriers they tend to go full terrier, if you get my meaning.

That fence will need to be partially buried if possible. The little bugger, being a terrier that’s designed to go down fox holes, will quickly figure out that some tactical excavation could be the route to some rabbit goodness.

EDIT: @carragold beat me to it.

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Badge of Pride that.