What's happening?

Just been through something myself, went working from home, consulting, the head office couldn’t service public loos, caused me huge stress and a few mistakes I had never before seen. Im just winding it down now and off to Newcastle for a 3-6mth temp contract end of June. Quite looking forward to it. its good to escape these travails. They have such an impact on mentality sounds like the place you have got free of was Toxic. Dont look back, look at an employment tribunal claim instead!


Yes it’s been very stressful for me. Add to that my daughter having problems with her boss far away (Chile) and trying to ‘comfort’ her at the same time.
I hadn’t had a break for over 8 months due to under staffing, others going on holiday and sick leaves and their replacments just buggering off at will. I asked for some consideration and all that happened was more changes and more difficult conditions and circumstances.
I blew a fuse and just refused to do what caused me the most stress and didn’t consider within my contract bref. I also knew I couldn’t do another summer ‘season’ under such conditions.
I’m considering going to an employment tribunal however it won’t change much as they are patron dominated. I will get my unused paid holidays paid which is more substantial than I’d get from a tribunal.

I wish you well. I’m going to take my time to try and find a more reasonable employer.


You still in France right, or back in UK. Only there are quick time limits here, 3 months, in which to take a claim. But is it worth it, sometimes you do right to just walk away and make oneself good. Ive no clue about French law (or English :smile:) but mostly, the work I do, employers often, if they are clearly in the wrong, will pay off to save face and risk. its worth a go! Also, so is a visit to the Doctor to add to the impact of the breach wink wink.

I presume you peed in the foi gras before you left :smile:

In truth tho I imagine both you and I could be hard to manage :innocent:

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Hey @Iftikhar , hope you are safe after Remal downfall


Thanks. The Sundarbans saved us again. Just heavy rains :cloud_with_rain: and strong winds.


Sounds like it has worked out for the best, Flobs. I am going to steal @Noo_Noo’s comment and call you Jose Flobinho


I’ve 4 days left at this place, start my new gig on Monday. quite excited for it.


Best of luck, I got this coming too for 24 June. The existing place wore me down, industrial grade mistakes and bullshit to cover it off. Which were always someone else’s fault…apart from bad spousal relationships, the worst that gets done to us nowadays seems to be from employers.

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Good luck!

nice thing is we have good paying positions so most folks that work there WANT to be there. that’s a big plus.

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Hey all, might be on here a little or a lot who knows.

Anyhow nearly died on Monday morning, heart rate at 240 and chest pains.

Still tests on going and I’m generally back at resting but anyhow a word to the wise if you feel any niggle get it checked.


Oh shit…thats crazy 240. At least it got checked and hope all things turn out well for you.

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Yeah the ambulance team basically were telling me to move glacially. He’d never seen it, said treat it like buckaroo the whole thing only dawns on you afterwards.

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Hopefully you’ve caught it early enough and not too painful corrective measures can be applied for the fix!


Take care and stay safe :pray: :heart:


Oh Matty,

Hope the medical team are having your condition under control.
Take care of yourself, take no stress and think positive.
We are all thinking of you & pray for your swift recovery. :pray: :palms_up_together:


Take care, Matty and do whatever the doctors say.

If the ambulance crew had said that me I wouldn’t have had a clue what they were talking about!


Shit man, very sorry to hear that. Wishing you all the best :worried:


Good grief, man, I hope you are OK.

I’m part way through tests after I was ill at the beginning of the year, so getting checked up is sound advise.


Bloody hell @mattyhurst Hope you look after yourself and get well soon

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Keep well @mattyhurst
We need you next season.