What's happening?

I’ve just been through it mate… angiogram then two stents. Scary as shit but you’ve probably dodged a bullet there. All the best.


Early diagnosis is I share more than thinning hairline with Christian Eriksson but this is early so we will see.

I expect a call from ETH.


Take it easy @mattyhurst. :+1::nerd_face:

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Has anyone else been tracking the fall of Laurence Fox with morbid fascination?

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Would you be willing to play in the Dutch league though mate?

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Anyhow a bit of an update.

It seems performance related, there is nothing wrong with it general so further tests means further hospital stay but at least the Angiogram was really positive.

Removed clogged or damaged arteries as an issue as well as disease.


To do a final test whether your heart is stable…


There was a video of him X harassing two black lads last night, they got caught up in a non injury RTA, but he’s stood videoing them for like over half an hour. When they get irritated he then starts baiting them.

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Thanks now I’m staying in a few more days :joy:


As long as you aren’t a clueless wanker who thinks flogging our best players and playing us down as one of the bigger sides is the way to manage Liverpool, you’ll be fine.

I’m tempted to ask what the prick has done now, but the only fox I’ve seen lately was this chap in Liverpool this morning.


I’m currently sitting in departures at Manchester Airport.

When I was going through security, someone made off with my loose change.

Security, my arse!

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Bloody Mancs! And then they have the temerity to call Scousers thieves :roll_eyes:



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I mean it is perfectly possible that someone picked something out of the wrong tray. But it rather irks me that I am forced to be separated from my possessions and they don’t keep them secure.

Ah, the best part of Manchester


Bit like that joke: What’s the best thing to come out of Manchester? The M62.


He was in a car that crashed into a bus, not sure who was driving, turns out the car’s MOT is expired and Lozza was blind drunk. Words were had with some local youths.

All of it on social media…

Just another day in the life of @LozzaFox…a slow motion car crash playing out for all to see.

Why can’t I look away??

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Yoohoo, that’s great news. But you have to be really careful from now on :pray:.

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Well we still have to discover what it is.

It’s eliminated a lot mind.

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