What's happening?

Actually what does that mean? So it’s not a disease issue and the heart is performing as it should? Did the doctors or you asked what are possibilities? Like is it one of the parts malfunctioning or? I had a friend discovering something with the valve not working as well.

Sounds like the latter.

I’m still unsure but there is no disease or signs of distress and blockage.

It’s a weekend so all I had was the Doctor at the other hospitals view on the angiogram.

The body sometimes plays tricks by itself.

Some 5-6 years ago , I had a seizure while watching the second part of the Hobbit movie(during the intermission) with a very elevated heart rate and fits

Checked myself in at the hospital and there was nothing wrong except some increased level of triglycerides (nothing that should cause the symptoms)

To date , haven’t figured out what caused those and those haven’t come back still.

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Sounds to me like watching a shyte film is the cause :wink:


To be fair they briefly mentioned some things about one chamber not pumping at the level it should so I think it’s an issue but yeah more tests.


Fingers crossed for you MH :crossed_fingers:t4:

As long as they’re not charging at you with the paddles, hopefully you can sleep easy :slight_smile:

Might be out in 1-2 days this is the scan they need to do so they are discussing whether to do it in or out.

'It usually takes about 2-3 hours, but can take longer. ’ :open_mouth:

So I’ve been discharged awaiting the procedure I mentioned above.

The attack was from the upper chamber thus less serious, as of yet they don’t know what brought it on but lifestyle as in work and trying to act like a 25 year old at 41 probably didn’t help.

No defect has been spotted and there is no disease so generally I’m lucky. However I’ve been told don’t hesitate to call 999, as I got lucky with that heart rate that it didn’t topple over into a heart attack.

Thanks for all the messages it’s been much appreciated.

Now have we signed anyone yet?


They pursuing that Italian guy… De-Fibrillator

Stay well @mattyhurst


Not heard anything…and not heard Arne speak yet…


Another day , another fucking malady.

Just had a scan on my knee. Before I go back to discuss this with the Doc , can anyone explain what the implications are of a (partial) rupture in the ACL and a degenerative meniscus are ?

I was in some serious pain when it happened about a month ago , but after a course of cortisone it seems more or less ok now.


Depends what what you want to do in the future. If biking and running, then you could potentially get by with minor key hole surgery or (best case scenario) rest and strengthening of the knee - though stationary biking and specific exercises. If you want to play footy or rugby or something like that, then more tests and potentially ACL reconstruction and meniscus trimming/removal. The former is a 3-6 month thing and the later post 40 and w/o really good “help” is best part of 2-3 years to full recovery.

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Biking and swimming is my thing now so hopefully I can find a good physio who will set me straight. Cheers !


You should be okay with biking and swimming.

Had a partial tear of the Achilles tendon a while back. That pretty much stopped my running.

Your chances of signing for a big club are now similar to Fekir.


It looks like I’m stuck at Accrington Stanley then. :unamused:

Yeah sorry to be the bearer of such bad news, but gee you’ve taken it much better than I expected!

How are you @mattyhurst,
hopefully on the mend.

Sorry to hear about your knee @peterroberts , hope it repairs quickly.