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In my opinion (which is no more valuable than anyone else’s * ), the best house.

  • caveat- you’re all idiots.

I snapped my ACL and lost 75% of my meniscus 15 years ago playing football for TIA.
They performed keyhole to tidy up the meniscus, but told me I was too old to have the ACL reconstructed.
The ACL is basically 2 snapped ends to this day.
I’ve run/walked and climbed stairs with no real problems since.
I can hear my knee grinding when i squat down and stand up though.

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I saw a physio yesterday funnily enough and he told me to never squat. Either go down one knee or both if need be. Sounds like solid advice because that’s how it happened in the first place. Anyway it seems to be more or less manageable now.


How would you go for a dump if you were camping? :thinking:

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Get my friends to hold me in the air.


I wish I could unsee that.


Never go camping with @cynicaloldgit then.
He can barely hold his water

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Really great friends

Well, they were….


@cynicaloldgit don’t understand the shitting difficulties because he has been wearing this and could shit even while doing cartwheels

Had a monster weekend of proms and parties, now she’s 16, GCSEs finished and off to college, forum meet my daughter :slight_smile:


This thread went from port to poo in three posts.

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The poor ‘thing’ looks like you. Except she has teeth and a cute nose.
Don’t worry I’ll give you the chance to get one back on me soon. :grinning:


Be blessed, always :pray:

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A credit to you…

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Love how proud you are of your daughter and you seem like a genuinely involved and loving dad and good role model which will hopefully help her when she has her own relationships but I really would caution you against sharing her picture online.


Btw, the punctuation was for you @cynical. I try to annoy everyone equally :wink:

I get your point but times have changed. All her mates are plastered all over instatweetyfacybook. She’s a poster girl for various companies now, famous in her own right. Unless you mean because she’s my daughter…… A thought perhaps but not one that troubles me. I’m not tricky to find and she’s all over my FB profile so no difference posting here.

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I’ve recently been informed that i am all over social media,which i denied since i don’t do FB,Insta,Snap or any of the others.My kids told me i’m on theirs,my wifes and my friends accounts and have been for years.So no matter how much you think you may not be on social media,the chances are you will be in some way.

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Are you a cat?