What's happening?

Try disconnecting your phones and tablets, then run speed test on your laptop without any other devices connected to your router.

Also, if possible, try running a test on a different laptop and see what the different results are.

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Wifes laptop getting 660 mbps.
Problem with my laptop it would seem?

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Could it be that the network card is set to 100mps rather than 1GB or higher?

That would be if it’s a wired connection not a wireless.


That’s true. Probably try moving the laptop next to the router first.

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go into your Device Manager and see if your Network Drivers are up to date. If they are updated, take a look through https://www.makeuseof.com/internet-slow-on-windows-laptop-not-on-phone/#:~:text=Every%20device%20you%20connect%20to,phone%20you’re%20comparing%20to.

Worst case, if you have a PC repair shop local, pop in and seak to them to see what advice they can offer

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Thanks all.
Will try the above.
When laptop is wired its 800mbps


That’s pretty much normal, even though it’s a nominal 1Gbps wired physical connection, with the overhead that’s about what you’d expect.

I would guess it’s the drivers, or perhaps some configuration somewhere that’s not right.


You can try installing Driver Booster (the free version) to scan your drivers and update those of your WiFi adapter.


Most likely, your laptop does not have 5ghz wifi capability. Is limited to 2.4ghz which has a greater range but a lesser bandwidth for speed.

That being said, 75MB/s isn’t terrible speed. HD streams are only around 3-6MB/s data.


Buy a cheap new USB Wi-Fi dongle… Like, Archer T3U Nano | AC1300 Nano Wireless MU-MIMO USB Adapter | TP-Link United Kingdom

Waiting for the Missus is like…


I’m at Birmingham New Street station (don’t ask), and I hear an announcement for me over the PA. They keep repeating “Man with a big willy”.
I tell a member of staff that I’ve been summoned, turns out it was “Manchester Piccadilly”.
We did laugh!


Quitting smoking in the morning, for the one millionth time, but this time, and for the first time, my missus is on board. We’ve got patches, lozenges and panic prevention plans. We’ve even got rhubarb and custard sweets. Feeling optimistic (but I know I can be an absolute shit without cigarettes, so apologies in advance if I act out towards anybody here in the next weeks).


Good luck mate. As a smoker that has tried and failed to quit god knows how many times, i know what your going through and how hard a task it is.

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I quit several years ago and what worked for me was changing the wallpaper on both my phone and laptop to a picture of a smoker’s rotten lungs. Things get real when you’re confronted with that every few minutes.

Best of luck to you.


My late Father used to smoke two 20 stick pack a day. And he did that for decades. One day out of nowhere, he just stopped. Not a single stick. When we asked him why, eventually he told us his old time friend died recently from lung cancer and that for triggered something in him and he just stopped. Back then, to me it was amazing because we always heard how addictive it is but he literally stopped.


Good luck to you. You will be rewarded if you can get through the first couple of weeks.
I gave up overnight on NYE ten years ago from a pack + a day habit.
The absolute key is wanting to. I was fed up of the coughing, the stinking and the absolute nastiness of the whole business and was mentally ready. Sounds like Gasband’s dad was convinced too.
If you’re half hearted, it’ll be difficult.


Good luck giving it up. Sounds like you have support at home and a plan which will boost your chances.


My dad used to smoke Woodbines…and would send me to the local shop with money and a note, to say it was ok to get them, then one day we had a the budget and Roy Jenkins, the chancellor at the time, raised the price of cigarettes…so onto the open fire dad threw a full pack of cigarettes…and never smoked again…and I never did anyway…the power of the price…